As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Pontius Pilate once asked, "What is Truth?' to Jesus the Christ.
The cartel has engineered in America a deliberate drought of American leadership. What is called "marxists" is a deliberate misdirection, as these Birther Internationals which started with the installment of Barack Hussein Obama, are just International Socialists, and order of feudal trolls, who all think their naked king has clothes. International means dictatorship, socialists means they control everything, so they manipulate you. They need an audience and a killing field, to act out before to validate them.
Is odd, but it is like you would need, a pack of dogs wagging their tails, to give you purpose for the day.
If Scott Ritter is real and not controlled opposition like Tucker Carlson, he is the diplomat that the United States People need to come to a peaceful solution with Russia, meaning Russia will Ronald Reagan trust America again. For that to take place, America will need a President, not a puppet of the cartel.
Forget what is in Congress. They are owned by this Birther International and you can see their erasure policy in action daily in your lives to understand that Americans and Russians are on the endangered species list.
Mr. Ritter gives a colorful answer in his examination of how Vladimir Putin communicates. Mr. Putin is a man of the people of Russia, not the oligarchs, but the people of the streets. When asked about war with America and American demands, Mr. Putin as explained by Mr. Ritter provided the Kremlin Doctrine of nuclear war, and then in a quip made a reference to horseradish. In Russia, horseradish is a staple, everyone knows what it is. It is like Germans with sausages. The joke in Russia is digging up a horseradish root, which is big as Rasputin's cock, and waving it at others as a mocking joke.
The Russian slang is khren im. You would know it as flipping someone the bird. That is what he phrase means, "Fuck them".
I will meet you on the other side for the Russian thought in this.
Putin’s answer reflected long-standing Russian nuclear doctrine, which postulates the use of nuclear weapons in the case of an existential threat, nuclear or otherwise, to the survival of Russia.
Putin then sought to put the audience at ease. “But we, firstly, do not have such a need,” Putin noted, “and secondly, the very factor of reasoning on this topic already lowers the possibility of lowering the threshold for the use of weapons. This is the first part.”
What came next was classic Putin. “The second is that we have more such weapons [i.e., tactical nuclear weapons] than the NATO countries. They know about it and all the time they persuade us to start talks on reductions.”
Putin paused, before shrugging and, with a half-smile, saying “Khren Im”.
Khren Im is a Russian slang term derived from the word “horseradish” (khren), thus a literal translation of the phrase used by Putin would be “horseradish them.” But khren closely resembles a more salty term used to describe male genitalia, and when used in this manner, khren Im is understood to mean “F*ck them.”
“F*ck them, you know?” Putin said, to the obvious mirth of the audience. “As our people say. Because, in the clumsy terms of economics, this is our competitive advantage.”
The “them” in the horseradish reference made by the Russian president is the United States.
I highlighted the part we should focus on as while it is self evident, Russia has nuclear weapons, because they are the Russian COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE.
this is our competitive advantage
The forensic psychology of this is Russia is thinking in terms not of war to end the world. Russia is thinking yet in Theodore Roosevelt, healthy competition of nations. This is high stakes, as the competition is the proxy war in Ukraine engineered by the cartel to break apart Russia, but Russia is convinced it can win at this game.
To put this in terms you can understand better, think of Vladimir Putin in a poker game with Biden, that Curry London dish, Manny Macron and the Kiev Nazi. They are playing cards, dealing from a marked deck, cards up their sleeves, and dealing from the bottom of the deck, but there sets Vladimir Putin playing his cards and he is winning, upping the bet, and all the while he has a Claymore mine under the table directed at the cheaters, to make sure the game evens out.
That is what the competitive advantage is for Russia. The nuclear weapons afford Russia the superiority to outplay the others. The Russians have the advantage as long as they do not use the nuclear weapons. If Star Wars is employed that creates an unbalance and then the nuclear weapons appear, so in a way, Star Wars is an albatross for America, in they can not use them, until Russia launches it's nuclear weapons or it reveals what weapons America is relying on in high tech. It is the Catch 22.
Russia understands the paradigm.
Russia is not going to negotiate away it's advantage. This is a stand off of American suicide F 35's with gravity bombs versus the Russian hypersonic missiles. One slow moving that hugs the ground and one fast moving that comes out of space. Both are effective as there is no complete defense against the platform. 10% of these weapons get through and at least 10% will, and it changes life as we all know.
The Russians are in good humor, gallows humor. They are thinking in anti Chirst terms. They are thinking in living and dead terms. This is a competition they must win. That means a surviving competitor group to the cartel. The cartel is not going to allow a competitor, no more than they let France, Russia, Germany or America exist. They can not have Christians in a world of false tree immortals.
We are just entering the F 16 phase of this. Things will change when the Russians stop joking as they stopped laughing at western pedophilia before this started.
Nuff Said