Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Surovikin Line


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

General Sergie Surovikin is not a military genius. He is something much more dangerous and deadly, he is competent.

- Lame Cherry

With the eye of Russia about to wink out of existence, the Kremlin chose a military man to defend their people's last breath and General Sergie Surovikin is that man. Unless one has been involved in war it is difficult to convey to people what a defensive position is, unless you ask them while looking out their door, tell the that their lives depended on setting up a defense if 1000 armed people are trying to get into their home. It is bewildering, because it is.

It is why I have a worshipful appreciation for those people who are sent into any situation, survey the terrain and immediately recognize "what needs to be put where".

I can show you part of what General Surovikin has been building and it has proven with great success. The British were mocking this line of defense, but this line has proven effective in stopping a World War I Ukraine that NATO threw against a 21st century Russian military.

Nothing has changed in military science. It is always about bringing concentrated firepower to combat, faster than those you are arrayed against, by using the terrain to your advantage, while engaged in maneuver. That is "all" Surovikin is doing.

For history, the Japanese on Okinawa did what Surovikin has done. The US Marines would attack a position and be stunned as they would be hit from two other sides, and slaughtered. That is all Surovikin is deploying. He has 3 lines of defense. The first line is George Patton in grabbing the Nazi by the nose. If the Nazi had a real army, they would break through the first line, but the problem for them is, they are being obliterated by the first line.

I do not want this to sound like Americans could pop this off, because the Russians designed this, if someone breaks through the first line,  there is a funnel kill zone, which is a trap in which any army would be obliterated.

The secret to this line is not that it is fixed, like that NATO line in the salt mines. See if NATO would have built the Surovikin Line, they would have killed the Russians. This line is living. It has fixed points to invite attack, camoflagued points for deception and the reason this has wowed the experts, is that it is mobile. It maneuvers as Charles DeGaulle pointed out was the most important aspect of military doctrine.
The strongest defense is a strong offense. This Russian creation begins in defense, but as soon as it is engaged, it goes on the offense. It is like a hornet's nest if you kick it. The infantry lines swarm with anti personnel, anti tank, anti aircraft weapons. Backing this are fields of fire from artillery, backing that are mobile artillery units, backing that is helicopter attack craft, backing that are drones, backing that are fighters, backing that are long range bombers.

This is a series of kill zones. Mine fields concentrate troops. Tank traps concentrate tanks and fighting vehicles. 

Lebanese military expert Amin Hteyt calls the Surovikin Line is “unique and unprecedented” in its construction and reliance on “a sequential plan that takes into account all possible attacks and actions of the enemy,” and based on strongpoints which simultaneously allow for offensive and defensive operations..

As stated, there is noting genius in this, this is simply competence, and knowing that there are not any second chances on the death of a nation and a people.

Now for the not so surprise, I could defeat this defense. Bigger surprise, any competent mind could defeat this defense. The Russians know how to defeat this defense as they built this thing. I though am not going to post how to do this as I do not help pedo nazis.
Suffice it to say, NATO knew how to defeat this. The gave the Kiev Nazi the wrong toys to play with as this was not about winning in Ukraine. This was about the holocaust of the Slavs, to wipe out a population, so another minority population would take control of their Ashkenaz lands.

“The line is based on the construction of both stationary and mobile defenses simultaneously, and is effective not only in fortified areas, but also has advantages in terms of fire and supporting troops moving in depth. The line is characterized by its unprecedented intensity of fire and the ability to move in three directions at once, which made it possible to destroy Ukrainian Armed Forces at several points. There is no possibility of a breakthrough by Ukrainian forces, since all existing lines adapt to an offensive and contain it extremely effectively

You think this is combat. This is extermination of Protestant Slavic Christians by design. For those who do not have the depth of the joke, Zbigniew Brzezinski created terror Islam to terrorize Russia. What has been created is the terror Ashkejew to terrorize Russia, while obliterating the Caucasian Protestant for the Catholic Vatican which has it's hands all over this again.

The cartel will not allow Moscow to hold behind these lines. They will get them up and moving as they divert attention with the F 16 phase. This is going to Serbia. This is going to the Mideast.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
