Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Wagner to make Poland hit the High Notes


Give it to me Wagner, make me sing the high notes.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is a head's up as I will have more on this in the coming days, but the Lame Cherry exclusively told you first through inquiry that the Wagner Musicians were deployed to Belarus to deal with Poland and not Kiev.

DC NATO is fighting the F 16 phase of their agenda, but Moscow has leap frogged over to dealing the crippling blow. Wagner was created as the Russian Spring network in creating pro Moscow advantages around the globe. They worked munificently in Crimea and are now in Africa as the Putin column protecting Russian interests.
The headline proves that Poland is the focus as it should be. Remove Poland and partition that pariah state of London, and Russia sits on the problem European nations of the Slovaks and Czechs on the German border and has a land bridge to Serbian Christians in the bastion of the Balkans.

The Lame Cherry by God's Grace was right about this from the start. Russia is now 10 moves ahead on this board as the woke play with their F 16 pawns.

NATO Air Forces Put Into Combat Mode - Deployment
Of Wagner's Elite Units On The Border With Poland

An attack on nuclear Belarus or nuclear Wagner is an attack upon Russia which will bring a nuclear decapitating response.

Past time for you people with money to start donating as by God's Grace only the Lame Cherry gets there first and gets it right.

*Lame Cherry whispers, Kaliningrad.

Nuff Said
