Wednesday, July 26, 2023

50 Dollar a Bushel Wheat


Russian Missiles, Drones Hit Ukraine Port Facilities
On Romanian (NATO) Border (NATO) And Uke Armor
Defeated By Lancets, FPV Drones And Ka-52s - Video

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Russians are completing their strategic move to gain control over Ukrainian wheat shipments in the disabling of the ports of Odessa and now Reni, which is an interior river port on the Romanian border.

All that glitters in this is not wheat and this requires explanation. Russia now only has to blow one major bridge in Ukraine to shut down all remaining Ukraine wheat shipments as wheat is being harvested in Ukraine for the next weeks.

There are though market forces at work in this, as Romania, Hungary and Serbia who utilize Romanian ports, (Ukraine shipped 1/3rd of its grain through Romanian since last year) will begin displacing any Ukrainian grain being shipped through Romainia by August 12th, when those nations begin harvest and export.

The Catch 22 in this is though that Romanian farmers are not going to sell with the cartel low prices on wheat. Why should any of these farmers sell now, when they know that the Russian chokepoint on Ukraine is only going to short supply, with over 2 billion people needing that wheat which will pressure US and Argentinian markets to feed those people, and therefore drive up prices, beyond even what the cartel can monopolize. It is a simple fact. Why should George Soros reap wheat at 50 dollars a bushel when Romanians get 8 dollars only a few months earlier.

Meet you on the other side.

Hell In Odessa - Russia 'Seals' Border With Romania
Relentless Bombing 100 Meters From Romanian Territory
With Drones And Missiles

Uke Drones Flew To Moscow Again - The Goal Of

The War Should Be Declared To Be The Defeat Of
The Ukrainian Army Of The US And NATO And The
Liquidation Of Ukraine - But That’s NOT The Goal!

Ukraine’s Largest Port (Odessa) Has ‘Disappeared’
After Five Days Of Missile Strikes

Ukes Tried To Smuggle Hundreds Of Truckloads
Of Grain Out Of Odessa But Drone Strikes Blocked
The Port Of Reni

Everyone is neglecting a real point in this of the shipment of grain. The first real point is Turkey is seizing wheat shipments 'stolen from Ukraine'. That means Ankara is holding Moscow hostage for a better deal, like Ankara got all that Obama stolen ISIS Kurd oil out of Syria and Iraq. Ankara once it gets it's market share will cease meddling with Russian grain shipments as Ankrara will feed it's people for free.

The second point in this is, the Russian Black Sea Fleet. The Nazi of Ukraine have been laying mines in the Black Sea. Russia can just as easily lay mines to shut down the shipments of Ukrainian grain out of Romania, which in turn would shut down all grain shipments from Hungary and Serbia. This can get really nasty and Lloyds of London which monitors this is not going to be insuring ships that are sinking into the Black Sea bottoms.

This may sound like Russian cutting it's nose off to spite it's face, but Russia is not completely held hostage to this, as Russia has the Friendship Road into Iran and the Trans Siberia structure into China to ship goods in winter through.

This puts the onus on America NATO then, because if they start bullying Iran, the Straight of Hormuz can be just as shut to wheat as it is to oil, which will piss off the rest of Saudi led OPEC. The same is true for China, America starts mixing it up with Peking, Peking can make commerce just as miserable for Taiwan, South Korea and Japan, which are prime American accounts which would cripple everything in the Pacific for America.

Romania's Constanta port, Ukraine's main alternative route for grain since Russia's withdrawal led to the collapse of the Black Sea shipment deal, has capacity to handle extra cargoes until mid-August, the head of the port's business association said.

With Russian control over this much wheat, and if the central Europeans join this, there will be enough pressure to force the cartel to raise prices..........and do not think for a moment that Russia does not have enough grain as it does oil, to set a price increase on wheat, which it can sit on, until Odessa is secure, and other markets will then expect that same high Russian price, which will drive buyers into American markets on future trading, which will buy up the American supply at a cheap rate, and once that is gone, then the sky is the limit on pricing as Russia and Central Europe will have the remaining wheat.

Put it this way, China for big oil, drove up oil prices to 150 dollars a barrel on contracts years ago. If China starts elevating contracts to 50 dollars a bushel in shorting the markets again, outside of the Chicago commodity monopoly, this will then drive up global pricing.

There is not yet any information showing this trend, but Russia has made the move it must make, and this control can be taken advantage of.

At present the lezbo Germans of HAARP are frying American corn in the tassel stage which will reduce crop production. China does not really care about that as it controls American agriculture for the soybeans and truck farm products. Yes American agriculture is enslaved to produce for China. It is the New York Deal by J Street.

Corn will short Latins in the Americas and cause problems there.

The Lame Cherry will keep promoting these realities as wheat should be 50 dollars a bushel as pegged to crude oil. Once wheat pegs, then gold is a non issue as the investment will flow into wheat as it should. The Bible says a days wages for a loaf of bread. If people earn 90 dollars a day, that is 90 dollars a loaf of bread. Now bear with the mathematics.

There are 25 loaves of bread in bushel of wheat. 90 dollars a loaf multiled by 25 is 2250 dollars bushel for wheat. Yes as the Lame Cherry stated, that blows gold down the shit hole as an investment as you can't eat that metal and wheat you have to eat like breathing air.

So 50 dollar a bushel wheat is not that high for a days wage. What can and will rise to 2250 dollars a bushel. That is what the Bible predicts and baby sister, it can not come soon enough for this poor orphan girl.

If you don't like the facts, maybe you should have got off your ass and secured some wheat, some flour and planted a garden for next year and after that.

Nuff Said
