Tuesday, July 18, 2023

All that Glitters is not a Smoking Jew


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

A most interesting and tragic event took place for Jewry in the state of Tel Aviv, when a Mizrahi Jewish member of the Likud party was recorded with an obscenity laced rant against Ashkenaz Jewry.

Zarka's remarks seemed divisive by setting the European Jewish Holocaust victims against the Jews of Middle Eastern origin from Mizrahi heritage, who are believed to constitute the party’s strong traditional support base.

What Itzak Zarka said was the following:

"It's not for nothing that six million were killed...I'm proud that six million of you were burned!" Zarka reportedly shouted.

This is not the entire scope of what Mr. Zarka intended to state, as apparently his antipathy to the ruling Shylock of Europe was more to the point that he wants 6 million more Ashkenaz to die.

Likud activist: 6 million more Ashkenazim should die - Israel News ...

There seems to be a bit of confusion in this, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that Mr. Zarka had been booted out of the Likud Party, but Mrs. Zarka has stated that nothing of the sort has taken place.

Wife of Likud activist denies he was booted from party, claims PM ...

These are the quotes of Mr. Zarka, as he loathes liberal Jews as much as Adolf Hitler did, in the Reich's war for survival against International Marxists.

Ashkenazim, whores, may you burn in hell.

I am proud of the six million that were burned, I wish that another six million would be burned.

“Leftists are traitors, you are the cancer of the country.

“The black flags [symbols of the protest] are your shrouds. Your legs should be broken with batons, you should be kneecapped. That way you will not go to any demonstration at all.”

For the goy, who are most of the world, it is difficult to understand what is and is not a Jew. The Ashkenaz who are Ukrainians like Grubber Zellinskyy and most of the people in Jew York City are from the Khazarian Empire which is what the Ukraine war is about. They risk all of us in nuclear holocaust for the return of their vile kingdom, which is the basis for world banking.

On the other side of the Ashkenaz are the Oriental Jew, which is what Mr. Zarka is. They are tan kins, at odd against the White Priv of the White Jew, which Whoopie Goldberg has pointed out on The View. The Oriental Jew is part of the reformation in the state of Tel Aviv in ending the dictatorial control of the Rothschild courts on Jews. (The Jewish Supreme Court building was built by the Rothschilds and is a cult temple to the pagan demons of antiquity).

That is what is erupting in the Jewish state and in Jew York City, as the finance system which enslaves Oriental Jews by the Shylock Jews, is against reforms in the state of Tel Aviv to keep control of this criminal enterprise known as the State of Israel. There are at least 10 missing tribes from Israel. Those 10 tribes are Israel. The remaining 3 are the State of Judah, if there were really a majority of Judahites there and not this liberal majority which has been voting to overthrow US elections of decades in these Ashkenaz.

With the way the Kiev Ashkenaz have been fomenting a global nuclear war, Mr. Zarka will probably get his 6 million plus more incinerated Ashkenaz. As Europe will be lit up, and Iran has nuclear arms due to Birther Hussein Obama's nuclear expansion of Tehran, so the land of Jewry will be cleansed too like one big Auschwitz oven. (The Lame Cherry has proven that Germany did not have the fuel resources to burn up 6 million Jews. This is not denial of the event, but a restructuring of numbers as many nations have concluded that the numbers in the one million range, which is a great number of people, but the Russians lost millions more than that, as did most nations in World War II, so holocaust is nothing which did not touch all nations. The English burned up quantities of Germans as Americans burned up quantities of Japanese.)

Where though is Ivanka Kirshner in this, is she not a Jewess, the most beautiful convert shiksa of them all, and wife of Ashkenaz Jared, who could lead in the healing process of this as she does pray at the Wailer Wall a great deal and posts photos. Could not a Trump daughter bind the wounds and heal the nation of Tel Aviv, and give us all something beautiful to look upon, so that Jews could forget their differences and not resort to blood libel.

Could not only Ivanka, return to her Protestant Christian roots, her love of Jesus, and be a modern Ivanka the Baptist, and put on her swimsuit and haul all of these Jews to the Jordan River and give them a good bath, washing away their sins, like so many Jews did in converting to Christianity and finding peace and love as conservatives, leaving the mayhem of the world of the left behind.

Is not the answer Ivanka Kirshner and all of Jewry converting to Christianity, as the Ashkenaz converted to Babylonian Talmudism from Volga paganism long ago, and rejected Christianity too.

Edit: Some reports report that Mr. Zarka called for 10 million burned up Ashkenaz and not 6.

Nuff Said
