Attaturk planted the seed my pet, now Turkey will reap the Ottoman harvest.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry is always honest. I have a deep love for the children of Esau. God is going to genocide them over betraying their Hebrew brothers, as they are Esau as modern Turkey and America with England leads the Lost 10 confederate of NATO, but God is not going to wipe out the English which are really a beasty folk. That though is God and I will not contend with Him. I do not see His complete picture as He does, but I do see End Times things and see things dovetailing into place.
What this is about are the headlines below. I have a great respect for President Erdgoan of Turkey. He survived an MI6 and CIA coup, is ruling, has been an honest broker in the Russian security operation in Ukraine, but now is playing his hand as it should be played for Turkey.
Erdogan knows the great game. The Ottomans were fodder for it. Turkey has suffered by the English and Anakara knows World War IV is coming. As the Lame Cherry has stated, the overthrow of America was all London and their macaroni in DC. London thinks it will rule the world from nuclear ashes. Turkey now is positioning itself to help start the Kiev Ashkejew global war that the Ashkenazim are starting in Ukraine to regain their empire.
It frankly is a series in history repeating itself. Look at this from Ankara's sphere point. Turkey is abused by NATO. It has nuclear Jewland to the south. Nuclear German, French, English and Russians. The most it can hope for is a patsy state............or they can gamble it all in 3 factors.
Turkey is a fortress of rough ground. It has an advanced army. It's police state is superb.
At the moment, NATO needs Turkey as she is the key on the Russian border. Turkey is playing a strong hand. It is stronger because it knows that Russia does not want to bog down it's army in those mountains to invade Europe. The traditional route through Ukraine and Poland is the way. Split the Russian spear at Prague and the southern spear will have cover in the Balkan mountains to hit Italy, Romania, Greece and finally spill into France in a pincer, meeting up with the central spear which will cross the Rhine, and Turkey sees the Russians are busy elsewhere and will not use up it's forces on Turkey.
Yes Moscow had 6000 nukes.........but Turkey still can deny use of American nukes from it's soil when the shit hits the fan. That leaves Europe in shambles. Russia in shambles. America is shambles. London is a long way off. Iran will be nuked as part of the Russian Sino Pac. That is a huge power vacuum and with London afar off, Europe ashes, Russia in ashes, America in ashes, the Jews of Tel Aviv isolated, Iran in nuclear glow, that will leave the Ottomans or Turkey to rise again to their empire. As Muslims they will have a Caliph from Africa to Pakistan. The Ottoman Empire will be reborn.
Erdogan has a logical strategy to transform Turkey from a patsy state to an empire at large. He has deemed this an acceptable risk, so he is fanning the nuclear war flames as unlike Zellinkyy in Kiev, Erdogan is not a fool in thinking that these Ashkenaz are not going to be nuked by Russia, just to be rid of them, as they are spitting distance from Moscow. Moscow is at war because of this and Moscow will not leave this problem when the world returns to horses and spears.
Meet you on the other side.
Ukraine ‘Deserves’ NATO Membership
Says Turkey’s Erdogan
So Ankara is pushing the buttons for world war. It has numerous Turkish agents all throughout Europe, especially Germany and Sweden. The long chance is that it will be the ghetto Muslims who survey and as a more spry race, will be the peoples who begin to dominate throughout Europe. Erdogan could indeed have a larger empire than Atilla if this goes Ankara's way.
Medvedev: US Promises Ukraine Cluster Bombs Pushing
Kiev Into NATO Membership Which Means WW3
The idiot speaks of nuclear winter, but the fact is that there will be primates who are on the ground and they will be the ones who will make empire, not the bunker state. If Moscow would do the right thing in wiping out the English, the Ottoman's could secure an empire from the Channel to the Panjub.
The cartel has promised everyone that they can not rule the world. Erdogan appears to understand the game in this and is placing Turkey in one of thee most advantageous positions there is. Unless of course it goes wrong and Moscow for protection decides to contaminate Turkey to protect it's southeast flank. If you genocide the Turks, one gains control of the Black Sea outlet and with that, with the Balkan flank. Russia could rule the Mideast from Turkey and the Caspian.
Just letting you know what the headlines mean.
This is once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said