Wednesday, July 26, 2023

The Last Time To Grow Up


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the Heart song sings, We still have time, we might still get by, every
time I think about it, I want to cry, the bombs............

We have World War IV on our hands as the call up of 500,000 Russian conscripts will advance this in the next 6 months to a next level in this war for Russian security. The following is the notice that a world war is coming and the Europeans and United States will loose it horrendously.

Upcoming 500,000 Russian Troop Mobilization
Russians Creating A New Army To Oppose NATO
Complete Military Summary Analysis And Video

Thousands Of Troops Moved To Suwalki
Corridor And Belarus Border - New Army
Corps To Protect Warsaw

Russian Bridgehead Doubles In Size,
Nadia Falls To Russian Forces

Russian Arms Production Shoots Up
By Over 12 Times What It Was

Victoria 'Fuck The EU' Nuland Gets Promotion
Almost Assuring Ukraine War Will Rage On

Russian Duma Passes Draft Laws - We Are
Getting Ready For General Conscription - ‘A
Great War Is Just Around The Corner’

I have things to do. This is for your coming tomorrow's checklist. Most of you reading this will be alive to see the start of this next Londonium world war. Still time to prepare and hone things, but just remember when the Digital Dollar takes hold, you are going to find the limits on your abilities to do things. You still have months to a year, but with Victoria Nuland promoting the Ashkejew obliteration of the Christian west and east, the Russians and Chinese are prepared for this fight and will fight.

Time to stop sucking tit and grow up to an adult.

Nuff Said
