Saturday, July 8, 2023

The Right of Restored Rights

Know this screw, when I serve my sentence, I will have all my rights
restored as a Citizen and be equal to you in voting and self defense.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For whatever reason the US Courts have awoken to the reality of the Second Amendment. Perhaps it is for an RFK II gun ban on "assault weapons" as the manipulation goes, but the fact is that ATF bump stock and ghost gun bans have been refuted.

The Lame Cherry focuses on one aspect which was ruled upon and that is the case of should violent felons, released from prison, after having paid their debt to society, be restored to their Constitutional Rights.

Meet you on the other side.

Biden loses ‘ghost gun’ case, ATF ban ‘unlawful’

Now if I had a neighbor returned home from prison, who beat up someone and whatever else, I may be leery of them owning a gun, but my having a real assessment of a threat, is where my rights stop and this person's rights begin. I can not deny anyone their rights, just because it may be a threat to me.

In this, the Lame Cherry believes that all rights should be restored to anyone who has paid their debt to society. It is the courts in Judges who decide what that debt is, after a Jury of Peers decide if the person is guilty. Once a person is no longer under probation, they should be restored to the full rights of Citizens.

Those who feel threatened by a former inmate, do have the same rights as the former inmate. They have the right to self defense, that means they can purchase security cameras, bats, guns, knives, locks on their doors, fences and have the right to file police reports if they are threatened. That is their right. It might be easier to deny someone a gun, but that same someone can still use their cock or vulva to rape people, can still use any array of weapons from poisons to their car to murder people, so the gun is not the issue as it is people acting out with fist or form on others which is the threat. In that again, the Law has safeguards in people who were in prison, who have harmed others, go back into prison and a Judge in most cases sentences a more lengthy sentence on this person, and that places them into those horrid prisons of violence, sodomy and abuse. There are few Americans who are like Governor Blagojevich who shown true American Christianity and Courage after being framed by Obama and Holder, in making prison a positive place for others.

I fully support the efforts of providing opportunity and education to people in prison so they can build a positive character and join society again. I fully support any American having their rights restored after they have served their sentence as that is a debt paid.

People should have promised goals of having served the time, they are welcomed back to society with full rights restored, and that would include voting. A prison sentence is not a life sentence out of prison in making anyone less of a Citizen. That should be the standard.

Frankly, except in sentences where people should be executed, or they are serial pedophiles or rapists, who should be executed too, the Lame Cherry believes this prison for profit, which preys on city people who are out doing crime to launder money into Wall Street franchises, should end. We are approaching a robotic era where people who commit crimes, should not be housed in society is paying for the crime, but the convicted should have a monitoring and restraining device put on them, with a mandate they get up and go to work, put in 8 hours, go home and stay home, as everything they need can now be delivered to their door. Teach them to work and make them pay taxes like the rest of us. It is much easier to have the police visiting a convict every week to recharge their shock collar monitoring system, than hunting down criminals.
Prison has grown to being a society which comforts a number of people so they enjoy the experience with all the hell it puts people through in abuse.

So the Lame Cherry hopes that felons who have paid their debt will be embraced by a Supreme Court which will uphold this lower court decision.

I do not have to trust people with guns. I only have to trust my right to defend myself from violence and intimidation from others.

Nuff Said

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