Saturday, July 29, 2023

The Western Population of Poland


It is a pleasant thing to rule Poland and Lithuania from Minsk

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There was an interesting Freudian slip in the meeting between the Presidents of Russia and Belarussia in the words of the President of Belarussia below. He is speaking about the need for Russian support with Wagner, to stop the Polish NATO annexation of Western Ukraine, with support of Lithuania.

The reality is, if Belarus is pinned between this much NATO Nazism, Belarus will be divided up like Germany by the great powers. Belarus is moving to survive. The contact point in this though is Poland.

Why did I say all this? To us, Vladimir Vladimirovich, this is unacceptable! The separation of Western Ukraine, the dismemberment of Ukraine and the transfer of land to Poland is unacceptable! And if the western population of Poland needs it, we will, of course, support them...

It was not the western population of Poland, but the population of Ukraine which is being spoken of here. Yet, this Freudian slip indicates that as the Lame Cherry stated, Wagner is there to bluff Poland to not enter into Ukraine. One must always look at things from two sides. If it is said that it would require 400,000 troops to go to war against Poland (It would not as America has proven in Iraq in using smaller forces), then it would require a Polish military presence of that status to enter Western Ukraine, hold it, and to attempt to deal with the Wagner, Belarussian and Russian special forces who would turn the region into a meat grinder. Do not overlook the reality that Slavs in Ukraine will hate Polish occupation as much as Russian occupation and become a 5th column against Warsaw and NATO.

There is a hint by the Belarussian President that he is envisioning a greater Belarussia that begins in Poland. The same Poland that President Putin stated was gifted this region by Joseph Stalin at the end of World War II. Eastern Poland is Russian historical property. Kaliningrad is Russian at present. Western Ukraine must be a land bridge from the Crimea to Kaliningrad for security, and in this, Lithuania will be carved out as much as Western Ukraine for Belarussia.

This microcosm of Russian security is a macrocosm of Belarussian security. Where Moscow envisions a grand security to the Austrian border, Minsk sees a security of a greater Republic.

The Belarussian hate the Poles and Lithaunians who ruled them. They want their lands protected and their lands back. Belarussia has dreams of not being a landlocked nation too with access to the oceans.

The logical Minsk progression would be to strike western Ukraine against the Polish mercenaries to draw Poland out for a bloody defeat.

Wagner would disrupt Lithuania and eastern Poland in this Axis. It is one thing to provide weapons to Kiev, it is another matter to have your infrastructure and trade under attack in those fragile economies.

Impede economic conditions in Poland, and you will see what weaponized refugees flooding into Germany and France from Poland, does to collapse Europe.

All in the slip of a tongue.

Nuff Said
