Friday, July 7, 2023

White House Fingers Kamala Harris as Coke Whore

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In a stunning admission by the presidency of Joe Biden, homosexual Negress, the black one who does the press briefings, told the world that the coke found in the White House was found by Kamala Harris' car.

Funnier By The Day - WH Changes Story Again
Now Says Coke Was Found Near The Kamal’s Car!

What the Negress did not explain was what was the Vice President's car doing inside the White House by the situation room, but apparently Kamala drives her car around inside the White House.

The Lame Cherry located these photos of the Vice President and it seems pretty evident that the White House is fingering the coke trafficker in the White House.........probably the one who corrupted that innocent Hunter Biden and turned him into a notorious pedophile traitor crack head.

Apparently FOX has been on this case for sometime and it shows that Kamala Harris is quite enterprising in she goes down to the "hood" to load up on coke like the Busy boys did in Florida and then she hauls them back uptown to the White House, where she advertises on her car that she has

Apparently this is a really sweet deal as I did not realize that the White House has it's own gas station, but Kamala stands outside, after a coke run, pretends to be putting in gas, as she hides her car behind her coke cargo container. If it is a day when all the Biden's are at the White House, she can sell out in 15 minutes.

Other times she has to motor up to Capitol Hill for sales, but she does not like that as they keep asking her for free samples.

Kamala usually ends her dope run days, by driving down to the FBI and having the drug dog sniff her.

We at the very least now can rest assured that Hunter Biden is not dealing drugs as the White House says it is the Vice President Kamala Harris. We also can breathe easy in knowing that the cackling Ms. Harris does is not because she is insane, but only stoned all the time.

We must all be understanding as some people like the Obama's can vape their brains and no one will notice as it has no affect upon them. It is the same with Kamala, she can light up and still do business as usual.

So what if Kamala is an accomplished dope dealer. We are a nation of more than laws. Joe Biden huffs O2 all night. Kamala does the cloud. The important part is that White House personnel do not have to go to the means streets where at block parties they might be gunned down by transvestites. Kamala is doing a public service in selling dope at 1600 Penn Avenue.

Nuff Said
