Tuesday, August 1, 2023

on Obama pond II

Our Negroes always sodomized each other behind the boat house,
now with the Obama's on Martha's, they just copulate and ejaculate for all to see.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the advent of the visual proof that Barack Hussein Obama has a black eye and two seriously injured fingers, after the drowning death of the dumbwaiter on Obama's Pond, the Lame Cherry might inquire and of course provide this fictional account as how would I ever know what remote viewers see in the matrix or put my life in jeopardy over non donors...........

The matrix might have indicated what readers have known since June 13th, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord that this is not Birther Hussein. This is a stand in, in why he is always called image Obama, as Obama left the building long ago.

The story of On Obama Pond might go something like this.

The Obama stand in, is a homosexual too, like Barack Hussein Obama was.

The matrix might reveal a scenario something like this.

Someone might have invited up a dumbwaiter for a bit of homosexual fun, as Mrs. Robinson Obama was out for the night with her own lesbian bathing experience, and not at home.

The boys went down to the pond, only 3 feet deep, no more than 4 feet, according to official reports on the dept of Edgarton Pond. Of course homoguys just show off, and the dumbwaiter got on top of the board to impress his date, and fell off. The back of his head hit the water hard, and dazed him. image Obama was on shore with the cell phone and carry items. image laughed, clapped his hands at the falling off the board, and then had his "Oh shit" moment when he noted the dazed Afroid surfaced and then went under. image stood frozen. After just under a minute, he ran out into the water. He did not dive and did not swim as the water was shallow. image ran to the spot where the board was.

image did not splash the water. image did walk around to attempt to find the body. image spent about 10 minutes searching. Time flies having fun and not having fun.

image ran back to shore, picked up the cell, but as is under orders not to phone out, image ran to the house to report the events, where Secret Service phone it in.

The authorities did interview the image for the events. Robinson Obama was not informed until she returned to the mansion.

That is when the beat down occurred.

image upon assessing the survivablilty chances of a stand in, took it upon himself to be photographed with the black eye and the bite marks on his fingers as life insurance in case his policy was cancelled.

Bidencon the matrix indicates had no part in this. Robinson Obama was angling to be an RFK replacement running mate, but that is all now in jeopardy due to this return to Chappaquiddick moment.

The image did not fall off his bicycle.

And this just in on an update............ The British MI6 press now has the solution to all of this, in the reason for all of this cover up, was the dumbwaiter was out on a date with an Obama female staff member who tried to rescue the dumbwaiter.

A female staff member of Barack Obama has been revealed to be the second person with chef Tafari Campbell when he drowned while paddle boarding in Edgartown’s Great Pond near the former president’s Martha Vineyard estate last month.

The woman, who had been with Campbell on a separate board, desperately tried to reach Campbell after he fell in the water but was forced to return to the shore to call for help, according to the Daily Mail.

Sources told the outlet that it was a Secret Service agent who then called emergency services from the Edgartown estate to report the incident.

The witness spoke with investigators on shore and was lucid and clear, and showed no signs of intoxication, insiders told the outlet.

More than a week after the July 23 incident, authorities have only released small details of the incident, withholding the names of nearly everyone involved.

There is a bit of a problem in this, as this female went to Wilson's Landing in where the first call was logged from at 911, not the Obama mansion. A woman called a half hour later, it seems from a boat "searching for the dead guy"

The Obama pond is a small inlet where the mansion is. It appears now in this mix and match that the Secret Service must have been observing what was taking place as they called 911, but did nothing.

There is absolutely no reason to hide who this "woman" is, except the story has had lies involved in it from the start and information was withheld. Does the woman exist, or is this "woman" really the image of Birther Hussein?

Or were one of the Obama adopted daughters involved in an affair with the dumbwaiter.

It's unclear if the Obama daughters, Sasha, 25, and Malia, 22 – who were also on the island – were at home, or out with friends or their parents.

Yes it is all unclear as that is what a cover up is all about.

Nuff Said
