As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I'm a data kind of girl.
People can say lots of things, but unless there is some type of data, to back up what is being said, it is just a charge, it is Einstein's bullshit Theory on Relativity that all these 7 year brainwashed geniuses in physics cling to as they are geniuses.....that is what the numbers say. It is the reason science has not evolved beyond that Star Trek weird shit of one nano excuse to another as small world keeps getting smaller.
Canada has been burning under the Dictator of Ottawa. There is some UN pimp running Hawaii that seems to be representing for someone who likes to burn out a colour of skin to Obama wild fire restore nature to the elite, like the au natural oil spill wiped out Republicans in the oil Gulf and the wild rivers of America central in Obama floods.
Canadian Wildfires Force Over 50% Of
People In Northwest Territories To Evacuate
Some Of The Shocking New Revelations
Coming Out About The Fires In Hawaii (Snyder)
As I stated, I'm a data kind of girl. I have a ........ well a requirement that data match wild fires. The first requirement is that you need dry to make a fire. Second is you need fuel. As there is not fuel in Saudi Arabia sand, Saudi Arabia does not burn up in the next necessity..........heat to burn things up.
What does the data say about the Northwest Territories. What does it say about Hawaii? It says both are high humidity and lush.
Why is it that you never heard before of wild fires in NWT and Hawaii? It was not because of a news black out. It is because you never hear of the Atlantic Ocean catching on is wet. Wet like a woman's nethers.
On average, May is the least humid month, at 45.0%. The average annual percentage of humidity is: 59%. Averages & Climate. Historical ...
Apr 5, 2023 ... Hawaii is incredibly lush. There is a reason for that; it is raining every day somewhere on the islands. That's a given. Even though the sun is ...
Someone wants Maui. Someone wants to cool with the smoke cloud the great American drought cycle.
Thousands of people across Canada have been displaced in recent days as the severity of the country's worst wildfire season on record continued to grow.
Ok, here is a question for your wee minds.
Here is the question.
Question is coming.
Are you ready?
That is not the question.
This is the question.
Texas is burning up. Been burning in heat like a Gehenna dump all summer. Texas is not burning up.
The Midwest has been drying up, burning hot, all HAARP chem interfering with water molecules, and it has not burned up.
Water is burning.
Nuff Said