Monday, September 11, 2023

Five Movies You Probably Have Never Seen And Should


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Everyone always has a shit list of movies like The Red Shoes or The Leopard, that they say moved them. Yeah Martin Scorcessi and Clint Eastwood going fagwood.

I have for you though 5 movies you have never seen or heard of probably and you have missed out on some of cinema's most entertaining hours of your enjoyment.

As this was the last movie I saw on this list. It appears first.

Drive Angry - Nicholas Cage, Amber Herd.

Bitch Slap - Kevin Sorbo

Boondocks Saints - William DaFoe.

Payback - Mel Gibson

Suicide Kings - Dennis Leary

William Fichtner has his best role in Drive Angry. He is fantastic. This movie has so much going on in it in symbolism.

I'm going to add one more which I happened to come upon after I wrote this and it is not quirky like the above odd entertainment, but it is the best Chinese movie ever made in FEARLESS by Jet Li. This is a really good movie, not for kung fu pageantry in fictional ability, but the story and acting draw the viewer in. This is a story of what it is be born an all knowing animal and grow to become a humble person.No this is not Oprah Hollywood plodding lectures but a story as simple  and complete as anything Shakespeare ever produced.

The indomitable child becomes a  man.

Nuff Said
