Friday, September 29, 2023

In God we Trust


wir vertrauen in Gott

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

TL was recently defined as a Biblical scholar by a pastor, no one has made this charge against me, but there is something in being a Protestant Christian which the secular world has no idea of, and it does require translation to those in the media, in most have no idea what we are talking about.

Some frauds like President George W. Bush, played us in the worst way, in we were his bullwark and as soon as he got out of office, he was off cuddling with transvestites like Mike Obama. Yes people have writers who know how to phrase things so Christians pick it up, and they think these people are some of us.

I have told you to watch this reckon like Michael Flynn trotting out the Bible verse and Jesus thing. Trump pulls this and so do all of these DIA frauds as they know enough of the code talk to get people swayed who do not bother to "study what fruit they bear".

That is why when James O'Keefe released the statement below it caught my attention as I never knew James O'Keefe had this kind of understanding. There is a great deal of end times assessments coming from the Jeff Rense intelligence group who in Mr. Rense's case, is not a Christian, even though someone tried to assassinate him, he saw the Light and has experience in the transition. The fringe are talking about thing, end times things, and the clergy are squirming in their seats as all they can do is come up with an intellectual quote of, "Well I don't know your source".

As it were in the days of Noah......

People are as demented, deviant and devil influenced and possessed as any pre flood, Sodom or what Samaria and Judah were in apostasy, in this current world of this rampant anti good manifestation corrupting the planet. As a Protestant Christian, I know that there are certain events which should happen before Christ appears and that there is a Jacob's Trouble for Americans in the Lost Ten as much as the Great Tribulation. That is not to say that they all have to happen as Christ in the parable of the 10 Virgins, speaks of being prepared, that He may come back and catch people not watching, like a thief in the night.

A Protestant Christian is to be always ready, watching and waiting for our Lord. We know that when Jesus returns it will be like lightning at night lighting up the sky east to west. There is going to be no doubt this is Him. No raptures, no secret visits, no doubts as Jesus told us so.

It is why when James O'Keefe quotes St. Paul about demonic control manifesting in high places and the different levels of demons in his comprehending what was unleashed against him, that interests me, as that quote shows someone who has actually studied Scripture or he has a really good Judas Goat writing things for him.

O'Keefe's warning is as clarion and accurate as any Prophet. His post on Twitter resounds as deeply as Martin Luther hammering the nails in to the church door. Any Protestant could copy this, post it, print it on their door or anywhere else and it is True, and it would remind them of what we are all in. We are in this. Christ is not going to deliver us from this, but Christ will deliver us THROUGH THIS.

Persevering is a good word in this, because Daniel is told that all will be tried in the End Times. Some will indeed fall, but not from Grace. It grieves me in many of us are going to have our Meribah moment. I have had mine and I hope to God I will not ever have another failing like this. All you do is get lifted up by Christ as you struggle and carry that Spiritual wound in all of it's soreness, to a time when it will be forgotten as Isaiah the Prophet reveals by the Holy Ghost.

By Mercy, many of you have been taking the correct steps and have not failed, from Trump to COVID. Those were the just the beginning hard steps and it will get more impossible to the end.There is no fear little children, for He Who is in you is greater than that which is in the world.

None of us are perfected, but all will be perfected.

The above ministering is sown with code which non believers will not understand, miss in the quotes and think this is some rambling insanity by superstitious minds. It is designed that way as the Holy Ghost has learned in us the Word, and we recognize what is being said, as we try the spirits in questioning all and following none but our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.

Nuff Said
