Monday, October 9, 2023

Lord of the Fly Legs

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I seem to live an interesting life. I wonder just what evil thing I touched, but here is the tale.

I was opening the screen door.

Something sort of lit sort of flew into my eye.

It hurt.

It scratched.

I came in and washed it.

Then looked into my eye. There was this dark thing.

I  took toilet tissue, rolled it, spit wetted it and went fishing.

Took some time, but I got it out thank God.

I'm now an expert on fly legs in the eye. They scratch. They hurt. They are unpleasant.

I can see why they can cling to things in a hurricane. I had those hooks in my eye.

I came into contact with the Lord of the Flies demon apparently.

Flew into my eye, broke off a leg and attacked me.

I suspect I know what fat blob of vax phat lit this up.

I will be avenged by God as He is my Avenger. I welcome this attack. I have been touched. No one does that to me. Now I have the activation code for God.


Nuff Said

