Saturday, October 21, 2023

United States Tested Tactical Nuclear Weapon in Nevada for use in the Mideast


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As one of thee last nuclear warfare experts on the planet, the Lame Cherry will translate that the United States tested it's tactical nuclear weapon arsenal in Nevada on October 18th for use in the Mideast. So you do not blow by this in your speed reading, the United States tested at least one low yield nuclear weapon in Nevada to use on nations in the Mideast in the defense or nuclear power Tel Aviv.

The subterfuge was about clocking nuclear detonations in other countries, but if you know what you are reading, the chemicals mentioned in this test explosion are the detonator for the low yield atomic bomb.

Read the quotes and the links to explain this in detail.

According to Russian mediathe United States conducted a test of weapons of mass destruction on October 18, which was accompanied by an underground chemical explosion in Tunnel P at Site 12 of the Nevada Test Range.

At the same time, the American side said that the purpose of the tests was to improve the capabilities of the United States to detect low-power nuclear explosions in various regions of the world.

Bloomberg reported that the test used radioisotopes and chemicals to "validate new eruption prediction models."

Sep 29, 2016 ... Modern nuclear weapons work by combining chemical explosivesnuclear fission, and nuclear fusion. The explosives compress nuclear material ...

 Gun assembly design

Figure 2 – Schematic diagram of a gun assembly design

2.1 Legend for Figure 2
Explosive propellant: chemical explosive, analogous to but not the same as the high explosive in an implosion design.
Tamper: not shown in the diagram but used for the same purpose and composed of the same material as in an implosion design.
Subcritical mass and supercritical mass: exclusively uranium-235 for this design

It is logical to project that tactical nuclear weapons are being delivered in the shipments to Tel Aviv. They are most likely being ferried from Italy or Tel Aviv by helicopter back to US carriers. As this blog has noted for years, Pakistan built the bomb for Saudi Arabia. Iran has that bomb design for cone shape warheads, and has large atomic bombs too large for missiles.

This explains why President Vladimir Putin this past week was pictured with the Russian football and was threatening the US carriers in the Mediterranean. Russia fully assessed the Nevada test as first use preparation for nuclear weapons on their allies on the Russian southern border.

As the Lame Cherry has explained, Iran and Pan Arabia can win a nuclear war, in their populations can sustain nuclear casualties to 100 million Muslims. That still out peoples Tel Aviv in 100 million to 7 million. It makes this AK 46 warfare and nullifies the massive firepower of nuclear weapons, F 35's an missiles. A Muslim army on foot defeats modern depleted technology in combat.

It disgusts me scientifically when I hear these neocon fucktard morons like Mark Levin of FOX, mic slobbering again about nuking all the Tel Aviv enemies. The last thing Tel Aviv or America should ever want is the introduction of tactical nukes or any nukes into the Mideast, not because it contaminates oil supply, but because it is the same mistake of the Dark Ages in burning down villages with plague in them as the rats ran away and spread the plague. Burn down the Mideast population centers with nukes and this only decentralizes the threat and spreads it to hand to hand combat.

Use tactical nukes in the Mideast and nuclear weapons will glassy sea Tel Aviv and those nukes will appear in Western population centers.

This is the cartel in motion.

"Iran is supporting Russia in Ukraine, and it's supporting Hamas and other terrorist groups in the region. We will continue to hold them accountable," Biden said.

It is no coincidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered to begin constant patrolling of airspace over the Black Sea targeting Kinzhal missiles at US aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean.

There is a far difference between tactical nuclear weapon strikes to cheat at conventional warfare victories and the nuclear warfare which Russia is capable of delivering. I can promise you that what is America, will survive a nuclear war with Russia. Russia will obliterate this patrician cancer of the metro dictatorships, leaving America an 1840's village and cottage industry, with wide swaths of radioactive rural dead zones from metro nuclear rubble. George Washington's vision revealed just that.

The Lame Cherry does not advocate the use of nuclear weapons, because in the Mideast the users will lose and in expansion it will end toilet paper until it's manufacture appears in the non dead zones in all 50 states. It is not that this poor orphan girl supports Gaza genocide. It is that I do not want millions of dead people in Islam whose survivors will win out as they drove out the Crusaders by numbers before.

The reason this is taking place is America is no longer a country or a government. There is no oversight nor will of the People as January 6th proved again. Instead the same people who applauded Kiev genocide of Christians are now voting to support Gaza genocide where Christians are being wiped out again in their own Churches.

The District of Criminals have placed tactical nuclear weapons into play to terrorize Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, UAE and Saudi Arabia to submit to their use against Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and Iran, with Russia having the gauntlet thrown down to use their nukes in response or stand by holding the cloak of those doing the stoning.

You have been alerted to the situation which none of us wants.

The Pentagon needs to offload their tactical warheads onto the USS Eisenhower (notice Ford and Roosevelt are all Republicans and this is not by chance.) and then with the Eisenhower on station, the green light for go has already been signaled.

Nuff Said

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