Tuesday, December 26, 2023

,,,and Ashli Babbet was not shot.......in Serbia

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The situation keeps reeling backwards for the London trading company which owns America in whatever took place in Serbia in another riot to overthrow the Government. Oddly the Serbian Government unlike Merrick Garland and all the Congressional frauds did not label this an insurrection, even though it was. All Serbia did was thank Russia for alerting them to the London DC coup and they did not murder anyone named Ashli Babbet.

After Sunday’s protests were dispersed by police, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic expressed her gratitude to Russian security services, which she said had given advance warning of demonstrators’ plans to start a riot. In his initial address, Vucic also thanked unnamed “foreign services” for alerting his government of the upcoming unrest.

This is no longer tit for tat in who was behind this. America via the Kaganite Victoria Nuland owns the holocaust in Ukraine due to that American colour revolution, and more to the point, London has been kulsterfucking it's way through Serbia for the past few years causing trouble, after Bill Clinton blew up Christian Serbia in the Kosovo War. After this stunt, even if it was Russian FSB, Serbia is in the Russian sphere from here on out.  Hungary is being blackmailed by the EU for Ukraine to admit that mafia market into the union, so Hungary is like most of these nations, leaning toward Moscow, as Poland just threw out their war fever regime, as for some reason Pole do not like millions of Ukrainians in their country as refugees.

So as the Lame Cherry predicted on the map, Serbia was the key point, and after this incident, London is not going to hold Serbia by getting their with a revolution. Russia is in control of this state and once in those mountains, Russia is never coming out in full control of this region.

This insurrection was amusingly pro western and dealt with vote fraud. Yes only Joe Biden can have an election stolen for him, while vote fraud charges by the Trump supporters are immediately deemed crazy and part of a conspiracy.

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic said during a national emergency address.

"I want to assure you, Serbian citizens, that despite the dramatic scenes, there is no need to be concerned. There is no revolution, they will not get away with any of this, and we are trying not to damage any of the random demonstrators with a calm, peaceful approach,"

Russia has proven very astute in not exposing itself with military land operations. What is plotted for Russia to engage in is massive tank columns to be destroyed on the Rhine. Russia though if it keeps to the mountains of Poland, Hungary and Serbia, is going to be burrowed in where nothing short of WMD weapons will ever dislodge and would dislodge Russian nuclear missiles first in their defense.

If one studies the map, the glorified map where Spain, France and Italy just told the United States and England to go save Tel Aviv shipping in the Red Sea without them, one sees as fractured NATO, and a Mediterranean coming under Iranian supported Yemen and Morocco control.

No matter the forces behind this, this was highly stupid in how it has destabilized everything further and placed strongholds into Russia's sphere, along with linking this to the Mediterranean, the entire region is no longer firmly in NATO control.

The question in this is, how long will it be, before more right wing governments are voted for which are pro Russian in Bulgaria, Romania, before Russian security agreements are the rule.

This is where all of this hits the fan, and it is Serbia where the flashpoint will be which is going to cause great harm to most of the world.

Nuff Said
