Friday, January 26, 2024

Standing with Texas - Genociding Americans

I run the biggest human traffick state per capita in America funded
by Pedo Industry which caused this invasion.........

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Just so you keep your heads out of your asses, understand the reality that the 25 "Republican" states standing with the Gimp Governor of Texas who allowed in millions of invaders, then shipped them to Republican states...........

That every one of these Republican governors has sold out their people to the oligarchs in they are all part of the network in the slave labor trade. None of them enforce the laws. All of them order their state police to not enforce the laws on invaders. Cities that have a base of Mexican labor are ordered to  not have their police even arrest a Mexican as it interferes with commerce.

So for all of this rallying around this issue, you should probably be staying the hell out of this, so the FBI is not going to be marking you for future insurrection trials. Donald Trump is responsible for all of this in his fake wall, his bending over and allowing in millions more "workers" for industry to take American jobs.

This would be something American if this was not all based in these GOPliter frauds who are only raising this issue for the 2024 fraud elections.

Do not post on this on social media. Do not text. Shut your mouths and learn from Jan6. The Judas Goats are leading you out again.

More than two dozen states expressed support for Texas Gov. Greg Abbott after he refused to kowtow to the Biden administration’s bullying about the ongoing border crisis.

Until these "Republican" Governors round up and throw out every one of these invading vermin and their green card entourage, this is just another ruse to sucker you again.

Nuff Said
