Wednesday, January 24, 2024

The Big Winner in New Hampshire


I wuv u Big Mike

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The winner in New Hampshire was The Deuce Robert F. Kennedy by the Bush Sununu machine propping up Randi Haley with 43% of the vote to Donald Trump.

It is a good thing that DeSantis and the Indian got out, or Haley might have upset Trump in this pompous corrupt state.

Here is what no one is seeing or telling you, but Bush fam is engineering. Nevada does not matter, what matters is Randi Haley's place where she fornicates in South Carolina, a corrupt political machine. Do not forget that George W. was on the ropes by McCain in New Hampshire, and it took that corrupt GOPliter group to steal it from McCain, and McCain was furious over it.

So if Randi Haley gets at Trump in South Carolina, this is the design of Bush fam. No matter what the DIA says or does, the corrupt process will move to the Mike Pence pedo Midwest and Haley can with all this vote fraud and establishment GOP knock Trump out, to get the nomination in a really horrid convention for the RNC.

Now understand the method to this madness. Haley wins, and this makes RFK II the next President as his pipe dream of being elected by the House will happen in this field, as the hunted down Republicans after Jan 6 are not going to vote for Haley. The Republian party ceases if Haley's Bushites pull this off for the Rhinos.

There is more at play here though than this, as Haley is nothing but a Randi to the Bush fam. They don't want her as president and they do not want RFK II. Now we know that Biden is not going to be installed again as the forces in these rigged elections are all against him. Kamala is not going to be allowed to come into that spoil, as there are too many people who want to be dictator after Biden.

So this means that Haley is the first wedge. She weakens Trump, the GOP is split, RFK emerges..........bring the play from Bush fam in George W's favorite shemale in Big  Mike Obama. Big Mike will appear in this as has been the programme all along from Obama Inc.

Why the hell do you think the image was meeting with those turdy little democrats in the House this past year that no one could figure out? It is because Obama Inc. needs these turdy little democrats to vote for Big Mike in this coup when it goes to the House.

Do you get the picture now in how this will play out?

So the big winner of New Hampshire Bush politics is RFK II. The whispers though are there that if RFK can win, then democrats will force Biden out, and select Big Mike as the leader  of the first shemale occupant off the White House........not voting for RFK and no one is going to vote for that Randi Haley.

Look up what Randi means in Hindu if you think I do not konw what her name is.

So Trump did not win in New Hampshire. He got the mob to vote for him in Iowa, the establishment as it always does blows up the elections in New Hampshire, and then moves to South Carolina to produce the candidate.

As I'm out of politics, none of this matters to me, and it would be the best thing in the long term upheaval if Haley destroys the Republican party as it will destroy the federal corrupt system. What I do is projections as a tactician, there are very few of me around, as few people can do this. I just happen to be Inspired by the Holy Ghost and have infinite worthless knowledge in my head that He brings up to memory and I plug and play.

So that is it in what is taking place. You know what is in the works in these factions. I do not care what is doing what or who wins as they are all nothing good for America. It allows you though a forewarning of the manipulation so you do not get sucked into this drama.

The short term winner is The Deuce. Long term, New Hampshire made Big Mike the occupant of 1600 Penn in 2025 AD in the year of our Lord.

So behave and get away from all of this. You need something to beleive in, beleive in Christ, as this other is all corrupt.

Nuff Said.
