Thursday, February 1, 2024

Europa East - Without Ukraine

Life is so much better now that we are Polish, Hungarian, Russian and Romanian.
Of course all the homely old women are in Poland.

Ukraine should have never been put on the map, but those English are always
causing problems for peaceful people.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The time has arrived that a bordering coalition of vested interests in Ukraine, meet in Budapest Hungary to begin the process of dividing up the fiction of Ukraine, into the nations who always have held these lands.

The principles are Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia and Belarus.

Speaking on Saturday, Toroczkai said: “If this war ends up with Ukraine losing its statehood, because this is also on the cards, then as the only Hungarian party taking this position, let me signal that we lay claim to Transcarpathia,” according to Reuters. 

Fellow right-wingers from several other European nations, including a representative of the Alternative for Germany (AFD) party, reportedly greeted Toroczkai's suggestion with applause.

Meanwhile, Romania’s Antena 3 CNN TV channel reported that Claudiu Tarziu, a lawmaker from the right-wing Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) party, had recently also called for the annexation of part of Ukraine. 

“We are at a crossroads… We will not be truly sovereign until we reintegrate the Romanian state within its natural borders,” he reportedly stated. 

“Northern Bucovina cannot be forgotten! Southern Bessarabia cannot be forgotten… everything that was and is of the Romanian nation must return to the borders of the same state,” the politician allegedly asserted, referring to the Ukrainian region and to Moldova.

Back in September 2022, former Romanian Foreign Minister Andrei Marga, too, claimed that “Ukraine exists within unnatural borders.” The ex-minister suggested at the time that Kiev “should cede Transcarpathia to Hungary, Galicia to Poland, Bukovina to Romania, Donbass and Crimea to Russia.”

This is a map of what the new borders in Eastern Europe should reflect with the additional security for Moscow of the Kaliningrad protectorate in Poland ceding access lands in exchange for their right to Galacia. Of course Poland would return Prussia to Germany which was the worst crime of World War I in the allies stealing German lands and Poland wiping those German areas out.

This is thee only solution, and it must be arrived by in the former powers who had these lands stolen from them. A world without Ukraine would be peaceful and law abiding as the criminals of Kiev have shown they are not responsible enough to govern themselves. Of course the ridiculous nation of Moldova ceases as it never was. Bessarabia returns in part to Romania and the northern part is Russian, so returns to Russian Federation protection.

Immediately the world will move on, and the world will wonder why it ever bothered to have a Ukraine in the first place. This is the only lasting solution and as the Hungarians have led in all of this with astute polices and dipolmatic findings, their solutions are the ones which will bring a lasting peace to Europe East.
