As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I have to admit that sometimes I'm not the most aware secretary or scribe for the Holy Ghost, when NS mentioned about Evaders and Invaders. I'm busy, distracted, typing things, getting things done in what God is Inspiring and that one slipped right by me. Often times when I re read something, "I think that was really good". I also have posted things and then become aware that the Holy Ghost was being very clever in double meanings. My intent was invaders, but for God's reason, evaders appeared. As long as the rate is 100% I'm not going to try to figure out an IN or an E.
I wonder a great deal in how sheltered, here am I, as being asked about Christian books is something I will never read. Last one I read was on marriage, suggested to me, but a cheating, lying, tool of satan, tramp, fornicating, adulterous vile woman. Kind of makes sense to me in people who are telling me about a book about marriage, would be the ones who were breaking all the Commandments.
In the question below, what popped out at me was the part about SELF DELIVERANCE FROM DEMONS. That is never going to happen. No one gets out of this except by Christ the Lord. I have been at this for sometime and like satan tempting Christ, those things come back, and they come at you from new ways and just attack as that is what they do, sometimes off of other pieces of satan wills. It is as Paul said in the Whole Armour of God, and they still keep coming. The best has been praying in all things, WITH GOD, I will have more on that in a post, but just figure WITH GOD occupying the space, there is no room for demons.
Dear LC, end of last year I had read a book that DE had mentioned called 'Christian set yourself free, proven guidelines to self deliverance from demonic oppression'. . it was interesting, have you ever heard of it? and what made greys/why so evil?
I just roll my eyes at people who claim to be warriors or able to do things that have not worked out for me. I view them as lightweights, barely touched by satan and then left to put out some bullshit which is going to get innocent people blindsided. This is a Spiritual war. satan will plot for years sometimes to spring a trap on you. It is dirty tactics all the time, love will be used against you. They will come at you in things you never thought of.
As I use personal experiences to teach, here is one that the detractors will pounce on and preen over in how much better they are than me.........before they get the surprise and end up in hell.
I had been having problems with what would be a sex dream. I tried to bind, to burn out the evil, everything and this kept popping up in someone who tried to molest me when I was a child, very young child.
I could not figure out what was going on, but finally the Holy Ghost brought to mind some porn I had read as a teenager. That is where that demon causing this was still using a venue which I had not thought was an issue. Once that was known, by Christ and Consuming Flame, it ended the attacks. Am just pointing out to you, that once you think you are walking on your Spiritual legs, there are still landmines you exposed yourself to, whether it was something you read or someone at a bar. It will be used to strike you.
I think I mentioned the greys in that Communion book analysis in they are the clones or handiwork of the demons who gave technology to the willing, and the DNA appeared and these extensions of demons appeared. That is why they are evil because their source of direction is evil.
This is about for satan, creating another contaminated population as it did in Noah's time of corrupted DNA to thwart God's plans. I believe there are a number of hybrids out there, which was part of this vax genocide being unleashed. I do not know if what I wrote on that has published as there are allot of articles.......I take dictation, and move on, and do not think a great deal about things again once I know what is going on. I'm just this immense repository of information that the Holy Ghost pulls data out of in remembering things to put all this together, connecting information which is what intel analysts do and get paid a great deal of money to do, which most here steal and are blind as bats until they see it figured out for them here.
I like watching my two hybrid specimens as they reveal a great deal of what is going on in that grey sphere. There seems to be allot of counter information coming from them, for reasons of deception and whatever is going on with the nordics which are just a pretty version of greys.
I believe that these hybrids are there to be shown as the star children, these superior things to us mere humans, the point of the Great Deception is to make you think Jesus was just one of them long ago, an that you are really god, so you don't need God.............Prophecy says there will be wonders performed to convince even the elect if it were possible. So stop thinking you are the genius in the room as you are going to have to believe with the Spirit, not what you are seeing with your eyes.
I have been busy designing a seed germinator. PB will probably be interested. The thing I do not like about my projects is no one else has ever done this stuff and I construct it and find out a better way to do least I think so at this time in testing this wonderful design. It should appear in the future posts as people should be thinking about a dependable way to sprout seeds to make sure they have things growing, as in food and not dirt in their gardens.
You may remember evil people killed my tomatoe babies years ago so I do not write much about living things as evil is evil and what do you expect from selfish non donors and all that is glommed onto them.
It is why there was not such a quick response on evaders as I have been involved in a number of things to keep things alive around here with God. Have more of that in this time of waiting on God's Time to call upon me for use.