Saturday, February 10, 2024

I think..........a Shit Hole Manager


He's going to manage the shit hole.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I'm out of politics and Maid Melania advocated DIA asset Tucker Carlson as Trump's Vice President, the Lame Cherry has a better scenario.

Donald Trump would  benefit from baiting Robert Kennedy II with the Vice President slot, in handing over Trust Buster status to Mr. Kennedy to break up that oligarchism. He would be domestic President.

RFK II would then tell Libertarians to not put up a candidate as he would be their candidate. RFK II would bring in GENS and Libertarians.

What Donald the deserter Trump, another DIA asset would do, would announce that Tucker Carlson would be his Chief of Staff. The CoS is the power behind the regime and Trump would have someone who would manage the agenda that is coming as it should be. This should be the Trump ticket. Trump would then make peace with Russia, get us the hell out of European and Asian wars and divide the least this is what the people would be told.

Tucker Carlson though belongs as White House Chief of Staff. Whoever runs his scripts would manage the White House Press Office.

This would be a force in 2025 AD in the year of our Lord.

Nuff Said

