Friday, February 2, 2024

The Quarter of a Trillion Dollar Biden Campaign Ad


Look you lapdogs, I can't flip enough votes to steal this election,
we had the radar off in Jordan as we were involved in a crime we
didn't want people to know about, so we bombed Iran, after I 
offered Iran a deal which I can't go into.

The U.S. strikes appeared to stop short of directly targeting Iran or senior leaders of the Revolutionary Guard Quds Force within its borders, as the U.S. tries to prevent the conflict from escalating even further. Iran has denied it was behind the Jordan attack

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The District of Criminals have conveyed a message that they are afraid of the Persians by not attacking them. This means DC could not hold today an allied front in Islam or International Banking in the shutting down of oil flow out of the Persian Gulf.

Iran though has been pissed on. Iran stated it had now part in the attack on the US occupation bases in Syria and Jordan and yet Iran has had it's projection of power attacked as a challenge to Iran.

One can do the math in this, at 125 precision weapons, at the cost of the carriers and the technology that at 2 million dollars a munition, this attack upon Shia Islam cost Americans, 250 billion dollars, all without Congressional approval.

Iran now is faced with a message of "Iran lets it's people hang out to dry as American political fodder to re install Dictator Biden, or Iran expands the response to be leader of the Islamic Caliph of Persia".

U.S. Central Command said the strikes used more than 125 precision munitions, and they were delivered by numerous aircraft, including long-range B-1 bombers flown from the United States.

This was a quarter of a billion dollar disaster in the making. DC attempted to elevate Saudi Arabia as the leader of the Coalition of the Coerced bowing to London Banking, but the reality remains that Iran still is the operational state, moving weapons, money and people into all of these zones. They have won in DC blinked in not allowing Tel  Aviv to nuke Iran and Iran now has more Kremlin whispering in how the price for advanced technology has a responsibility in this is still an issue that this is a situation where NATO lives and Russia dies, or Tel Aviv gets greater and Islam dies.

Jun 11, 2023 ... The presence of Iran does not bring anything positive for the peoples of Latin America or the U.S..

Tehran has given Nicaragua and Cuba strong rhetorical support since the Islamic. Revolution in 1979, stressing their shared anti-. US attitudes, but ties have ...

Sep 9, 2023 ... TEHRAN- On August 17, the Heritage Foundation, an American conservative think tank, published a report titled “Iran's Weapons Now Reach the ...

All of this goes back to the Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter concerning the original attack on a US occupation base. The radar was turned off by America so the drone got in. Why was the radar off and what was it the US was hiding in movements on that day? We will not be told, instead Iran is being hit for Greater Tel Aviv, which in turn is going to bring a Tehran response where Iran can not be fingered or will be fingered in being set up as the proxy.

It will be most interesting to discover the response against America which Moscow and Peking will sign off on, now that America has blinked and stated it can not afford an oil war, and America does not have the forces to fight Iran.

This will embolden Moscow, Peking and Tehran.
