As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Big Mike Obama is having some problems in it's former boyfriend said Michelle Robinson has male equipment, but stated that MR was a talented and versatile sex performer. This tracks about right as Barack Obama liked having coke snored off his thigh and laying naked in gay men's hotel rooms.
For the fag Barack, Michelle or Michael Robinson was just what he wanted in a sex romper just like Uncle Frank who he wrote poetry for, including mentioning urine stained underwear which was a golden fetish turn on for young Obama.
Michelle Obama’s ex-boyfriend David Upchurch has come forward to reveal that “she” is actually a man named Michael Robinson and only became “Michelle” after meeting Barack Obama and having prospects of becoming First Lady.
According to Upchurch, who dated Michelle Obama during high school, Barack Obama is a “lucky man” having a partner as “talented and versatile” as the former Michael.
Apparently Big Mike was voting as a man for 14 years in Illinois. The sodomite couple were both male democrat voters.
According to official documents obtained from the Illinois State Board of Elections, Michelle Obama was officially registered to vote as a man from 1994 until 2008. The official documents also reveal Obama officially changed her sex to female in 2008, the same year her husband was running for the presidency.
Lastly, Chicagoan Sherman Skolnick, was who was murdered for stating the facts about the Obama's as an intrepid reporter, also outed George W. Bush as a fag who had a boyfriend in a southern governor. It is why the duo of Mike and George matched, their politics did not, but their enjoyment of perverse sex did. That is why the media has ceased in attacking Bush43 as he is a pansy boy, someone who likes black Chicago men as their sex partners.
Big Mike. That is the reality of the Obama adoptive daughters.
Nuff Said