Well yeah, I huff green paint so much that it comes out of my skin.
What of it?
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Not once in the entire Vietnam War, did President Kennedy, President Johnson, President Nixon or President Ford, nor any of their Democratic or Republican Defense Secretaries ever state that if Vietnam failed, there would be a direct conflict with the Soviet Bloc, as it would have been insane, incorrect failed policy, and it would have brought nuclear war as Russia was arming North Vietnam as much as China was.
Yet this Lord Auston of the Biden regime has stated again that if this criminal syndicate of Kiev fails, that American and European children will be fighting Russia.
In this question of why would any American be put into war for Ukraine's failures as Ukraine has no strategic or trade interests for the people of Europe or America, must be put out there, because these warmongers are stating things which is contrary to the entire doctrine of NATO and America since it's inception.
US SecDef Austin Says NATO Will Be In Fight
With Russia If Ukraine Falls
For people to die, for what is Ukraine is as horrific as people dying for Poland and the Czechs after Germany had those lands stolen from them my the Wilson cult of World War I, instigated by London banking. All those dead and the destruction of World War II could have been avoided.
So of course it is insane what Lord Austin is spouting off about.
Pentagon’s Statements About Russia-NATO Direct Clash Insane — Diplomat
In this line of insanity, President Manny Macron of France, blindsided Europeans in stating that France would send troops to Ukraine. The French politicals blew up denouncing this, and everyone starting with Germany and NATO could not find a mic fast enough to state they were not part of this insanity.
As Dr. Henry Kissinger stated in the 1950's, if America has a client state like Ukraine, which is defeated and the next step is nuclear war, in the destruction of the West, it is time to abandon that client state and move on, as the price was too high.
It is time to move on from this hedgefund rapine of Ukraine for a war with Russia to rape Russia economically in their "defeat". Turning Europe into scorched earth and America into a sea of glass is not policy. It is national suicide.
It it time again for a complete firing and removal of everyone involved in America in creating this policy that is nuclear war oriented. Americans do not want to die for Ukraine and no one outside of the war complex wants this war to continue. This is treachery and not serving the America People.
Russia is not going to invade America. Russia could take Europe but not hold Europe. This European situation is contained and no threat to the world. This is bankers looting nations again and Lord Austin in a pimp for that rapine.
Those are the facts and they need to be stated and restated as these pimps are pushing another war on Americans, who did not want the first two world wars.
This is the policy shift which Americans must espouse as their corrupt leadership which works for war is so infused with this mantra of peace, that as this nation crumbles by cartel design, they will find the mob in front of them was the wisdom as there is no more lucre to be bribed with in a crashed economy.
Nuff Said