As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I'm typing this the last part of December and this is published as you can tell when it is almost spring, but it is important for what is coming.
I was Inspired to dig up our two pepper plants before it froze and potted them. You can see the grasshopper chewed leaves. The one was starting to bloom again, so I became the honeybee and flicked it and 4 little peppers set on. I'm not trying to grow peppers at Grandpas in the wintertime, but the idea is to keep them alive as peppers will transplant back out I believe (I have raised little hot peppers for several years in a row inside and they never died.) for a faster start on a pepper harvest.
Our peppers usually do not start setting on until August This year it was like October before they were ready. This is way to get something for nothing really, as all these greenhouse plants now cost quite a bit, and there is no sense in paying money for something that will keep over winter.
Our peppers are surrounded by our annual flowers. Yes this is year two over at Grandpas for them and they do flower. Again, no sense in paying money for something that will survive.
Now granted where we live, the light and vibes are wrong and most things die, except impossible to grow African violets, they love our kitchen, but the mice ate them off, and am glad they are all mother gone too now.
I honestly believe that the same process can be used on tomatoes. Again, granted, they would have to be trimmed back in the indeterminate ones as no one has room for 6 foot plants, and this will probably be part of the program this coming year, unless Jesus comes back then He is the Light of the world and all things will be Mediterranean climate, if I read the Scripture correct.
Is just a look at how things will work in frugal prepping as we never know if seeds or plants will disappear, and they will someday as things will get that bad in wipe your ass with leaves worlds.
Nuff Said