Sunday, March 17, 2024

The Primate Pool

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Jeff Rense for the past couple of years has been saying that a cartel insider informed him, that the cartel  was going to pull the plug on America and take it down. We all can see this from Fauci Flu, Jan6 and inflation, but something which the Lame Cherry did not comprehend, is that at the focal point of all of this, was the actual insider conglomerates, being ordered by HedgeFund Ownership to suicide themselves.

This is fascinating to me, as this elite group which detests useless eaters, and like Ford in their anti Henry Ford, Ford Foundation were the platform which preached for years the invasion of America by foreigners in their funding programs, are the very insiders who have been ordered to slit their own wrists............and they have done it, thinking they would be immune to the consequences. These PoP, People of Privilege appear to have it dawning on them, even with their CIA and DIA intelligence funding, that what they have done is going to destroy their privilege, because without their portfolios and conglomerates they are shitting the same in a toilet like the people they are erasing.

As I have stated this fascinates me, because Ford is no different than communist China, now being bled in their stock market crash in using reserves to try and prop up their economies. The fortunes which Disney acquired has been pissed away on these sex perv films as much as Ford has pissed away everything on electric cars which were never intended to work, no more than the sabotage which Boeing is being wiped out by.You are looking at American industry in technology and leadership being erased and replaced. I'm just bewildered that these elite did all of this, believed they would be protected and now in trying to save their own asses as they realize they are targets if they balk against this, are not any different than you or me............the useless eaters.

It reminds me of Lindsey Williams with his conglomerate insiders telling us all kinds of things which were being planned. These are dangerous people, they have people killed, and yet they were telling him that John the hero McCain as their guy, they would fix the elections as Obama would not get in. Well, they got the election flipped from them twice and it never dawn on them that the cartel which orchestrated all of this was pissing on them for a future golden deluge which  they all bent at the butt for, which is the destruction of what is America to a status a shit hole as America was in 1690 when there was nothing being generated in America for commerce, no matter how much gold the European royals dumped in. We are witnessing the shock effects of this in the CIADIA money dumps ending and these non toilet paper invaders sucking up those funds, as Macy's to Bed Bath and Beyond are closing up as Americans are not there anymore.

I told you that these great cereal companies are going to be gone in a few years as Mexicans do not eat breakfast cereal, any more than milk or drink Budweiser. It is all going to vanish and what you are seeing now is thee obliteration,deliberately of Boeing.

Another One! 50 People Injured After Boeing 777 Hit
With Mid-Flight 'Technical Event'

Passengers Boycott Boeing 'Death Traps' With
Use Of Kayak Plane Filter

Boeing Shares Lower As DoJ Opens Criminal
Investigation Into Alaska Airlines 737 Blowout

I do wonder when the thought is going to dawn on these pompous asses like at Ford, that they were expendable. I wonder when FBI Director Chris Wray is going to figure out that his entire weaponized DOJ is expendable..........they exist to persecute and terrorize Americans. Once Americans are no longer a viable population, the cartel is not going to have use, and certainly is not going to allow a DOJ to exist with firearms and jails to threaten them. All of this  is going to be erased. As that disgusting Klaus Schwab enjoys spewing, "Elections will not be necessary. It will all take place with AI'.AI or directional projections of what the committee orders society to be, does not need the FBI no more than elections. That will all be decided and all else will be expendable.

So as many of you non donors will be rotting in the streets, know that in degrees of seperation, that the same maggots eating your rotten flesh will be the same affinity of billions eating on the Ford family, these Hedgefund queers, to the financiers. Do not dismiss what this blog exposed in the top rungs in this in King Chuck and Baron Rothschild, both are not getting into the immortal club. Someone allowed them to be vaxed to be rid of them. The coup continues on the inside, and dead is dead, whether it is a useless eater non donor or some elite that thinks their shit does not stink.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. No one ever conceieved that the conglomerate insiders, the powerhouses of control, would be recipients of being the main struts which took down America, because they were all connected and powerful.

Nuff Said

