I have but one womb to give for my Nazi.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry realizes the boredom over Ukraine reports in taking so long in this operation, but a strategic shift has taken place which no one is reporting. The Russian policy began as one to protect Russians in regions of Ukraine from genocide, without expanding the war into NATO. A shift has begun though in the words of Alexander Dugin, the Russian theorist whose daughter was murdered in a terror bomb by Kiev, London and the District of Criminals.
In this Mr. Dugin has spoken now of taking Kiev. The standard thought had been to take Odessa in the south first, but the Russians are still moving in the Donbass oblitz or county, and destroying the 3rd army which NATO has fielded which now includes concentrations of NATO foreigner fighters.
As one can witness below the Russian tans are able to move in the Ukrainian clay. They are mobile and immune to attack from ground or air, in being able ot concentrate forces. This is new and shows the success of the Russian operation.
While Odessa continues to be softened up, Lviv is being hit as that is where the Kiev Nazi will transfer to according to Dmitry Medvedev in his posts, and Americans are in Moldova as targets, the reality is the shift is to Kiev.
This shift though entails, Russia joining the Ashkejew dictators of Kiev in the genocide of Christian Ukraine Slavs. The Jewry wants them dead as they are a majority, Russia now wants them dead because they will be a belligerent ethnic group created by London
We will witness a slow genocide as in Gaza, nothing fast, just murderous piles of humanity, that if there were Reagan's and Thatcher's in the West, would have never begun this or now put a stop to this holocaust.
Slow is methodical and does not make waves, but it generates a worse tide by this displacement. The world is literally expanding to a massive world war, by what is taking place as it graduates to a point of not eruption but caldera.
Dictator Biden is sending credit to Ukraine. Credit which is enslavement as the hedgefund fags will own Ukraine in what is left of it and the cartel will enjoy billions as Americans are impoverished in this scam.
America is moving from terror war to sending HAWKS as Reagan did to Iran. The HAWK anti aircraft system is ancient. It is limited in not being able to hit high ceiling planes and therefore it is vulnerable to Russian glide bombs. The same is true in HAWKS can be used up on cheap Russian Iranian drones. This is another shift, of bad to worse for Kiev, in they have tried drone terror, and are now shifting back to a mediocre air defense which will engage close air support by Russia in their advance.
HAWKS are not tank killers though, so Russia will continue to amass numbers to overwhelm these Kiev enclaves of fortification, which are not in the least stopping the Russian advance or delaying them.
It appears that Russia will force this issue to a Jewry enclave of evil at Lviv. They are watching the fraud elections in America where Trump has stated he will give Crimea and Donbass to Moscow. The problem with Deserter Don is the Russians will demand not only this in writing, but demand for demilitarization of Europe east for their security.
DIA Trump had better come with a pocket full of bribes, including a land bridge to Kaliningrad, with a full bribe to Hungary, Romania, Germany and Poland as Poland has to return Prussia to Germany, to bring in central Europe to this peace that the Kaganites, and other corrupt woke from Berlin, Paris and London seek to prop up their shattered economies on Russian war.
Deserter Don has no one capable of negotiating with Russia on the terms which must be engaged in, to appease them, gain the respect which is necessary to turn Moscow back to the West and not the Chinese east.
We will though witness the slow genocide of Christian Slavs and Philitines. This will in turn generate a greater stress point when this will all blow up, not where the events are taking place, but on American shores.
The maxim of the Pentagon profiteers was once to fight wars over their, instead of here. Their greed and anti Americanism has neglected that there must be a flashpoint of terror over there, or those flashpoints will appear in multiple locations in the insecure America as the FBI hunts down 70 year old women from Jan6 who prayed in the Capitol, after being invited in.
Nuff Said