Thursday, April 18, 2024

Crowd Pleaser - Check 6 Check 12 - Christmas Tree - Fox Silver Bullet


: (1) 450 to 500 single warhead Minuteman III ICBMs, (2) fourteen Ohio-class submarines fitted with 336 D5 missiles, and (3) twenty B-2s and sixty-six aging B-52s with air launched cruise missiles.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the reality that the Jewry of Kiev and Tel Aviv have in globalist machinations have ratcheted the world closer to a real nuclear exchange between the United States and Russia, destroying the two dominant Protestant White Christian populations on the planet, the Lame Cherry embarks as this blog always attempts to teach you something which is not the dog and pony show you are always  jacking off to, so you will understand what is going on.

When Russia sent out the MONOLITH command to it's strategic submarines to ready a launch in retaliation against the District of Criminals, it revealed a preparation for an escalation in the Mideast in the Tel Aviv holocaust of Semites.

Tel Aviv will hit Iran. Iran will retaliate decisively, and in this, the Kremlin and the Pentagon reckon that a direct conventional clash will occur between US forces protecting the Jews who own the West and the Russian protecting the Muslims who are there southern flank protection from the nuclear Jewry of Tel Aviv.

Somewhere in this the United States will have it's battle groups sunk, meaning the Eisenhower will disappear in the Red Sea before the nuclear exchanges begin.

Hal Turner provided evidence that the Strategic Air Command base in Minot was loading nuclear cruise missiles under it's wings. This is the American response. This will not start with ICBM's. This will start with Russian nuclear submarines retaliating for their Navy being sunk and Russia proper struck. The Pentagon will launch strategic bombers out of America being vulnerable to attack, leave the Navy atomic submarines in reserve and use the ICBM silos as bait.

Yes NATO has these F 35 nuclear suicide bombers for a one way trip into Russia, but those platform are not focused upon here, as they are not going to get Americans dead in the Christian part of the nation.

What the Lame Cherry will walk you through is public knowledge. I'm not revealing anything which has not been published or stupidly placed into Pentagon propaganda feature stories.

Now that American nuclear bomber area loaded and America is at Defcon 2, what happens with the jets which number 86 at this phase.

Numbers will be placed into orbit. The below map from Operation Chrome Dome, shows a great deal of what will take place. There are 3 routes. Alaska, Greenland and Mediterranean. The heavy bombers will fly, run holding orbits over staging areas and be replaced with fresh bombers. The staging areas are refueling areas in Spain, Greenland and Alaska.

These are the areas that Russia would attempt to intercept, disrupt and EMP with nuclear pulse in an action scenario. Bombers without fuel can not fly bombs into Russia.

Meet you on the other side.

A bombing run is unique as while the 5 person crews on B 52 and 2 on the B 2 have their super cool x rays specs to stop their corneas from melting from nuclear blast brightness, these crews will go aloft to ration fuel, gain refueling at the staging areas, and then move to the final run sequence before entering Russian airspace.

The design of the strategic bombers, in the B 52 which has zero stealth capability is to fly them below 200 feet on their mission over the land in Russia. If their signature are not picked up by Russian S 400 and fighter craft, they will launch their cruise missiles and fly a route to supposed bases which should exist for refueling or landing in Europe, Japan, the Mideast.

In the illustration below, the red lines originate in the United States from North Dakota and Missouri, the bases of the nuclear bombers.The blue circles are refueling points and the chicken feet spread is the attack lanes the bombers will engage in over Russia, east and west. There are fewer targets in the Russian east, but Alaska and Japan are the locations the runs will emanate from.

The bombers will never return to the United States as their operational bases will be vaporized before they reach their refueling areas. It is more  astute to fly a cargo jet loaded with nuclear cruise missiles to a Eurasian location then fly all the way into a radioactive America for rearming.

I informed you before that the Lame Cherry is one of the last nuclear warfare experts there is. That is why you have never read anything like this in print before from anyone else.

Meet you on the other side.

The Russians will double tap certain locations, most likely Wright Patterson, Area 51, White Sands, Omaha, Cheyenne Mountain etc.... already have pre positioned nukes as insurance policy, but the positive assessment is that if we survive this first embracing of nuclear strikes, we probably will not get a vaporization from the ICBM's. What is generating in this is the Kremlin and Pentagon are hedging in not bringing out the ICBM's in they are playing at cutting each other off at the knees, instead of complete decapitation. The decapitation is being held in reserve as both think the other  will loose their appetite for breathing in the fatty ashes of their incinerated populations.

Russia appears to be generating to eliminate the problem children of the American woke coastal populations and the Pentagon appears to be surgically striking  to stop Russia from generating as a nuclear war machine.

All of this fresh information should make your minds full of a drunkenness of euphoria in the delightful knowledge of things you had no idea of in how artful nuclear war is in it just does not happen.

It is though a tremendous price to pay for a few Ashkenaz who lied that they died in the final solution and their offspring now offer this final solution to the Christian Protestants east and west.

Nuff Said
