Monday, April 29, 2024

Does that vax mRNA help rewrite Ugly?


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a point to this story in two years ago I grew some summer squash and did not get all the fruits picked up, and the seeds sprouted. It was a hybrid and as a rule there is a rule you should not keep seeds from hybrids as they are genetic freaks as the hybrid will not hold and the offspring break down to the gourds of their ancestors.

That is what occurred to me in looking at the Kennedy family survivors who are all NGO whores getting suckled by the pecker drip of Dictator Biden, who came out and trashed The Deuce, RFK II and endorsed the pedophile Biden, and even went to the White House so the Dictator could fondle their children.

In the above picture with Biden you seem some rather ghastly expressions of what you get after the Irish mic hybrid of Joe Kennedy and Rosie Fitzgerald start breaking down in the next generation and those that follow. I blew up some photos of this bunch to show how troubling and scary the Kennedy Fitzgerald missing links are.

The bookend males pretty much define the devolution of genetics in I don't even know what homonid to class them as, except maybe Homo Flasher of People and Homo Show Me Your Dirty Selfies

Here are the close ups, and Irish that look like this back in Ireland are the ones with 20  IQ, live in the rocks and have sex with the milk cow.

You can pick your favorite milk cow molester, but I have mine in the big blow up. I think he is the Dirty Selfy perv in the first picture with Biden.

There appears to be another trait in the surviving Kennedy's who are not like RFK II who actually look like their parent, and that is they either still try to out drink dead Ted or or some reason they spend all their time trying to look like a dead Kennedy.

Numbers appear with Teddy Kennedy's giant bouffant hairdo. The next creepy choice is to look like Jack Kennedy. Lastly for some reason, the rest try to look like Grandma Rosie which defies explanation as that was one unattractive woman.

I guess Dictator Biden is trying to manufacture every vote he can to steal another election, but it is not a good campaign ad to have a host of people who look dumber than Irish rocks and whose milk cow lusts are not yet Obama Biden mainstream.

I was sitting here in wrapping this up, in trying to think of members of my family that look this stupid, and none of them do. I realize that numbers of families have a couple of closet living cousins who dress dolls at age 40, never go out in the sun, and watch Sesame Street, but they do not have a genetic print that is the whole works. This is the kind of stuff you get as editors from Missouri in Trapper publications in their crackers escaped Ireland and became embedded like ticks in the hills.

The only thing uglier than this would be Big Mike Obama cloned from the original hermaphrodite.

These Biden Kennedy voters are disturbingly genetically ugly.

Maybe that Trump vax for Wuhan Flu has some mRNA that can rewrite this freakish ugly of Biden voters.

Dad kind of used up all the good sperm on me with Mom's one good egg.

Nuff Said
