Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Prepperness Pepperness

Season your steak with your gold and silver you economic tards.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm composing this at the end of February in I was moved to purchase 5 pounds of black pepper as it was shown to be coarse grind, as that is what I prefer in eating, cooking, seasoning and sausage making.

What arrived was a sort of coarse grind, but the floor sweeping dusts included as filler. You get what you get in this world and that is what I got.

What I desire to remind all of you again is this. It is a huge mistake to dump your resources into things like gold, silver, coins and whatever else the traders are always pushing. I can inform you that when society breaks down, there are three things which are going to be worth more  than gold and people will give and pay anything for it after 3 months.

Salt, Pepper and Mustard are the commodities that those who invest in them, are going to have people in a daze as they get fed up eating those prepper packaged meals, and realize that the world without salt and pepper is beyond bland in it makes people sullen, and depressed, and the zest of life will have been lost.

I recommend coarse grind pepper in sealed jars as it keeps it's flavor longer. I recommend salt. I in fact have a 40 pound bag in plastic farm store packaging that is anise flavored for cattle. I like anise and I will not be without salt.

Lastly, this is about mustard, not prepared, but seed. Yellow is what you know. Brown is spicy and Black is more pungent in horseradish type. I'm not a big mustard fan, but I love brown mustard on meats and I love horseradish which I have planted too.

No I'm not saying in all of this to buy 100,000 dollars of pepper, unless you have a big warehouse and intend to market it to sullen people who can not break into your warehouse and steal it, when anarchy prevails. I'm saying to you honestly, that those people who have salt and pepper will be treated like royalty. No you are not going to haul 50 pound bags around, but like stone soup, you produce a big shaker with those contents and then measure out half to people after they feed you, and you will be remembered and probably protected.

It all comes down to food, and the reality of the spice of life. Pepper and salt are going to get you a whole lot farther in what is coming than any ton of gold ever would.

Nuff Said

