Hi, I'm nurse Tai Foydmary, I'll be administering your plague today.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Now that AaDon Trump has some more free time in not endlessly texting me messages I reply to with STOP, only to have 500 other numbers pop up texting me, Mr. Vax has issued a rather flat brain warning of acting like an American in a conspiracy theory that democrats will unleash Biden mask and quarantines to tamper with the elections in November, in another Covid strain outbreak.
This provides the Lame Cherry a platform to explain some of what is going on, as there is nothing really changed from the fraud of 2019 AD in the year of our Lord in the deception.
What I desire to focus on is more this Bird Flu fraud in explaining that as a diversion, but will explain about the Covid which you will hear about in this array of diseases.
There is not going to be any plague spread though. Meet you on the other side.
Trump - New Pandemic Will Be Launched To
Rig 2024 Election
What will take place this coming summer and autumn is not a new strain of Coronavirus Wuhan. What is taking place is the same issue presently in peoples immune systems have been wiped and what is going through the vaxed and unvaxed is a shit and puke your guts out reaction to a virus we all had as teenagers and got immunity too.
TL and I both contracted this, from take out. This stuff is not spreading through the air. For us it has lingered some, but it was mostly feeling off, nauseated or having the shits for a day or two. Nothing camping out in the toilet through for weeks.
Whatever is going to be blamed as "COVID" is just going to be one of these flu of the past that we all had. It seems that there has been less head cold, lung and that type, and the viruses are more in the guts That could change, but that is what is going to appear most probably, a strain of the stomach flu, and it depends if the vaxed can generate new immunity in how severe wave two is. I would warn that we might see a resurgence of the head colds, mattering eyes in being quite severe as the Rhino has been dormant for a number of years in being pushed aside by the Wuhan. That would mean headaches, fever and snot noses for a month of Sundays in the vaxed as from my reactions, I think something like that is out there and generating through direct contact.
As the Lame Cherry broke the information on the TB COVID which is probably going to surge this fall or into 2025 AD in the year of our Lord as that is when Big Pharm said was the release date, the indications are that a prion lung rot is building, and TB will be blamed, when it is not TB at all.
Now onto the Bird Bug an there is NOT a bird flu which is spreading to humans.
Pharmaceutical industry scientists have started to warn that a bird flu outbreak could strike before the November election that would be “100 times worse than Covid.”
The warnings come after a rare human case was discovered in Texas.
In watching this, in the who and where, this was Texas and Minnesota corporate agriculture in the big warehouse flocks. This is about making a food shortage in eggs and meat chickens. You can not kill 2 million Texas birds, who honestly were going to be replaced with new layers coming online in June (Do you get the scam here in insurance will be filed for these dead flocks WHICH WERE GOING TO END UP in primate, dog and cat food anyway in a few months?)
OK so you comprehend that point in this ruse which the FBI will not ever investigate as this is the people who give the leadership nice retirement packages.
In Texas as Minnesota, you are hearing nonsense about Bird Bug infecting milk cows. Utter and Udder nonsense as wild birds do not get inside Texas warehouse barns for cows and there is not some mosquito transmission or everything else would be going tits up.
What this looks like is someone infected some cows by a syringe with a strain of "bird flu" which has been spliced. If you look at the human, you can bet it was a dirty Mexican as that is what works in these operations raping and beating on these poor cows.
Do I mean that some Mexican was raping a milk cow and got the virus on this cock due to an abrasion on his cock? Yes I do or the Mexican had chapped hands, meaning open wounds, and in milking, got milk, which is a body fluid into their wound and got exposed that way. This is how small pox came to humans from cow pox, in cracked hands milking infected cows........or some European having sex with the milk cow out in the barn and got chafed cock.
That is who this got to human spread. It was not airborne, not a bug bite, not eating sick ducks. It was fluid transfer and no one else is going to inform you of this fact as this is about scaring the shit out of you again in fear porn as you are charged for eggs in this scam more than gold.
As a sidenote in this, the Mexican is a dirty species. We have this vermin here working in dairy and I loathe being around them, because they will not buy soap. No, a beaner goes into the dairy barn shower and uses the same disgusting disinfectant that the industry uses on cow tits. They reek of this stench. They are in a cold climate, meaning chapped hands and showering like this twice a day in free water and disinfectant, so they get chapped hands or chapped cocks in raping cows for this magic plague spread.
Someone with a syringe infected these cows and these flocks of birds. There is insurance money in this and there is a big payout in egg prices surging again to rob you, as the new birds will be coming into production with small pullet eggs, just in time to charge you 10 bucks a dozen for sparrow eggs.
My solution was to purchase with TL enough laying chicks to provide us eggs. They are vacinnated for Marek's and other poultry, but no mRNA gene altering stuff yet. A few hens do not make allot of noise, even in town and they will tame down, and not cost a great deal in feeding them.
So this is what we are faced with. Vax Don told his supporters to take this vax and have been mRNA altered, numbers have died, greater numbers are sick and degrading and he is QaDon fear porning you about some mask and lockdown in another diversion to herd you to the polls, when he is the one with Dr. Fauci who brought this great harm upon all of us, as I have had a number of family dead from this because they made the vax their god.
So you are going into a reality of chicken is not going to be in your diet unless you have allot money. That should be a reality for non donors as you are stealing from God and me, so you have that to buy chicken. Others will have to have alternative sources of protein......and I heard the hog warehouse herds will be cut in late spring due to prices, so your protein access is being cut off. How you get your protein which is not bugs, is something you should start reckoning on two months ago.
Ok this addresses the reality in Trump fear porn, Bidencon plague and the creation of fictional plagues to cover the degradation which the vax wipe is causing to a host of people, not invaders as they do not have to get the vax as they are your replacements, once you are erased.