As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I was listening to Dane Wiggington on his weekly broadcast and I perked up in something he was saying, but this ignorant child had no idea what he was describing, because he is an environmentalist and has no comprehension of the full ramifications of HAARP.
He is thankfully not just Shasta centric any more, in he will discuss New England, but he has no conception of the Texas and the North Plains cooker which drives all of this American interior weather.
I have an illustration below focused on Texas to start this out. It has puzzled me for some time in how in the hell HAARP has generated rain and snow where that red line is. It is the Texas Line. I can see it, know it forms a moisture line that starts feeding storms east of Texas, but it was a puzzle in how in that desert or Mexico they were creating a water jet.
I believe thought God's Inspiration, I have found the answer, and the answer affects everyone to the east from Tennessee to New England to the Carolinas, and it has to do with all things with the Missouri River in the Dakotas.
I like to fish but have no donations to fish, so I listen to people who do fish. I used to hear these stories coming out of the Dakotas in the people would be on the river in these massive lakes they have up there, in how these little clouds would come in off the prairie, and hit those impoundments and turn into massive thunderstorms.
Yes it has to do with water evaporation,but you can see that same scenario of clouds coming off the Great Plains, crossing into the Mississippi River Valley and turning into these Ohio flattening tornado super storms.
What is going on is upper level disturbances which you can not see. This is dry air moving east and it is cooler. It hits the wet air, and the interaction causes rain or storms.
In Texas out in the middle of the pans of that hot zone coming out of Mexico, HAARP is creating an upper level jet in cooler dryer air coming off the Pacific through Mexico and into Texas. Once this air hits central Texas in that line, it is infused with Gulf warm moist air.That is what you are seeing in New Mexico in the above as this going to generate flooding further eat into the Deep South later.
This is a storm spawning pool in Texas. In the North HAARP has used the 4 corners and even resorted to Wyoming, Nebraska in this High Pressure Ridge blocking things. What fits in this too is I was watching the feeds off this last storm which struck the Plains and into the Midwest in this little blip of cold snow started in central Minnesota, was surrounded by rain to the north, and it grew to a huge cold spot which was HAARP. It then pushed into North Dakota, swung back down with it raining further north into Canada, before it went into South Dakota, surrounded by rain, and eventually was heated out of existence, but it took 2 days as it just sat there and kept generating.
I have informed all of you that these storms are Radiation Containment Storms. Dane Wiggington does not see the forest in what HAARP is doing as he gets duped by micro plastics and this to destroy crop production....yes fruit crops, not soybeans as the American slave farmer works for Peking and Bayer turning out high acid aluminum growing Frankencrops while heirlooms will not sprout.
This is what Dane Wiggington was explaining he was watching in the high jet was forming this loop pattern over America in a series of bizarre pressure systems looping it.
So when Dane Wiggington is noting these bizarre weather modules and the jet being bent, I knew what HAARP was generating. The lower storms which this blog has noted in that last big blizzard would have created a massive kill zone on the March 25 HAARP storm in hot fallout.
Our Stephanie, who has Quebecois relatives told me something that amused me about her people up there complaining about getting "our American" snow.This blog has informed you that in Obama and Trump, HAARP was really odd as their storms literally stopped at the 48th parallel in hitting a wall. Under Biden, these storms are dumping snow into Canada in volumes. In translation as the Lame Cherry has explained, these are HOT ZONE RADIATION dumps.. In Canada,what has been shown is there is an arc into Manitoba and one into Quebec where concentrated radiation would dump.
Now before you jump with glee or fear, understand what we are dealing with in this. As Mr. Wiggington noted these storms churn in one spot for 48 hours. That is LOW LEVEL radiation or radiation in ground zero zones being covered up and contained, like a smoldering fire pit. What the high aloft winds are being set up for are carrying that mushroom cloud in the stratosphere into these corridors.
In North America, that means the nuclear strikes on the west Rocky slope will be turned at the 4 corners, be driven north to Alberta Saskatchewan, be pulled back into Minnesota and down the Mississippi, where it will be swung back north to New England. This is high level dispersion and at those curves is where it will concentrate at the lower level as fallout.
The above map is not focused on the lower level smoldering radioactive holes.I have posted on the lines of that distribution and for the pretty people that is the eastern Dakotas, into the Midwest and then to the New England States.
As the Kremlin has proven in Ukraine and Syria, they are skilled and aware. They took the money from converting nuclear warheads and selling them to Bush 41 to be resold to Americans for electricity (Americans paid twice) and for selling oil to Bush43 and built doomsday cities to survive nuclear war.
Russia as much as these nuclear allies, are not going to limit themselves to this HAARP scenario. They will pre place hydrogen bombs to create toxic cobalt in deposits as much as these cell phones are all going to go radioactive hot in the metro dictatorships, so these HAARP containments are not going to contain cobalt which radiates for 5 years. Russia will simply stagger launches with their Dead Man Switch and defeat these HAARP wind patterns. It is logical with all the traitors in the Clinton Gore and Obama Biden factions, that Moscow, Peking, Tehran and Pyongyang were handed the bunker state locations and if not by these traitors, the London and Jew York factions handed over the locations for taking out the military and political, so the financial cartel of Europe would survive.
This has been all a horrific holocaust in plants, primates and pets. As the Lame Cherry is the last nuclear war expert, people like Dane Wiggington see things and have no idea what they are looking at, in only seeing environmental issues, instead of strategy.
This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said