Friday, April 19, 2024

The Lost and Ten


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

OK in managing this blog which relies on donations, I get pissed off in necessary photos being mass labeled WEBP or something which in turn if you try and save them, ends up saving the entire webpage.

For those who are to be taught, there is away around this.

Here though is what you find when you right complete webpage.

In right clicking on the photo, you are trying to save, you will find VIEW PAGE SOURCE. Click on that.

What will then open is codex or what the page looks like in computer code commands. This is an example.

 the artifact could have been used for collecting a deceased&rsquo;s remains or may have just been a &ldquo;board&rdquo; for playing some form of dice game.</p><div class="cover"><img src="" alt=""><div class="copyright"><p></p>

Richard does this all time being a genius computer engineer,but for people like me and unlike you, I can translate a bit in the commands. The P's mean a page break. The image, and that is what you look for is the link on site for this picture as all photos have to be uploaded to be linked to somewhere. I used to have to use an FTP or File Transfer Protocol program to manage webpages. It is basically a program that you grab pages or sites and translate to code, then into WYSIWYG, "What you see is what you get", and then back to code, which the internet recognizes, upload that, and you have a page like you see now.

I wanted to study that tapestry but there was  not any way of seeing it expanded, so I did the page source, located the jpg file and opened that.

These are my and your ancestors who produced these artifacts of exceptional detail as they are Scythians. I have shown you previously that Scythians were Samarians from the Lost 10. No one gets to put their copyright on my people's work, so here they appear in their jpeg form, not for profit, but as proof of thee absolute culture Solomon bestowed on the world in this craftsmanship which is equal to Hur in his Temple work.

You non donors think this blog or the internet just appears for you to steal from. People like Richard work their asses off as much Stephanie makes sense so we can entertain ourselves past vocal barriers. Those two people have more knowledge and intelligence than 10,000 people.  Sites always claim to have the most intelligence people on them, no one matches the Lame Cherry family across the board in what these people do that makes it all look easy.

So here are the photos of our past. Brought to you by more work, than most of you would not have a clue about.

Oh and the other artifacts found is probably what Japheth and Ham were chiseling and whittling out as their kind of craftsmanship.

One more thing, the tapestry is fascinating a it is red or purple, indicating this may be royalty. To get the dyes necessary just did not happen. This is a work of industry and trade, and an advanced civilization on the move.

If you look closely, these are your forefathers as cavalry. The Lost 10 were horsemen as Americans are yet, and in recreation to hone their skills they like Teddy Roosevelt hunted.

The stag is very interesting as there are not stags in central Asia of this type. I think this is the Central Asian Red Deer or the Bactrian Deer, both imposing American Elk or Wapiti types. Our ancestors linked their prominence to horsemanship and to this great deer.

These are thee American Peoples sifted through the nations by God and now the cartel is moving to erase and replace. You do have a Biblical history as old as the Sons of God in Adam.

Nuff Said
