Tuesday, April 16, 2024

There is a Document Called the Constitution.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was reading a story about how the GOPliters led by Ziongelical Speaker Mike Johnson voted for warrantless searches in this FISA nonsense.

Then again there is this nonsense by the Ziongelical Trump and Johnson voting you need to be a Citizen to vote.

Johnson, Trump Announce Election Integrity Bill
To Require Proof Of Citizenship To Vote

That is already the law of the land, only it is not enforced.

This FISA thing is nonsense. Anyone who knows the Constitution knows that the Founders stated that law enforcement is required to get a warrant to search your home. Your home whether the Judicial upholds the Constitution or not is your property, your car, your person, no matter if they are finger probing your anus as the airport. In America they are not allowed to do this to someone not convicted.

The same is the fact that what you say can not be used against you, unless you have been read your rights, as in the government can not listen to your conversations even if they are in the air by FBI Stingray, even though they do.

Yes everyone ends up in jail because the government does not obey the Constitution but this bullshit of standing around and mutely accepting this without saying this is WRONG must end.

No damned law passed by Congress can ever supersede the Constitution. That includes these agencies or presidential orders. American rights have been trampled, laws criminalize innocent people and it keeps getting worse.

All these handpicked frauds are not going to state this because they are all bent at the butt for those making this a gulag for Americans to be erased and replaced.

And do not be fooled by Marjorie Taylor Greene spouting off about Speaker Johnson as this is one big revolving door just like the black robes in the Supreme Court, just like the fraud of Donald Trump being led around by appointees. If it is MTG this time, it will be that skank Boebert banging liberal bar owners who is giving us a bad name or betraying us.

We have rights, no matter if they throw us all in jail. I will not give up my rights to silence just because these political whores are allowing this regime to spy on us without warrants.

Every American has rights. FISA does not superceed the Constitution, even if that Constitution is not worth the parchment it is written upon.

Fourth Amendment | U.S. Constitution | US Law

The Fourth Amendment originally enforced the notion that “each man's home is his castle”, secure from unreasonable searches and seizures of property by the ...

The Lame Cherry is not ever advocating resisting any of this. I pray to help this along as sooner than later God Who is the Judge is going to like He always has done, going to send in some invading military or fire and brimstone to solve all of this bullshit.

I have rights by God and God will restore them.

Nuff Said

Nuff Said
