Monday, June 17, 2024

Sodom and Gomerica


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The District of Crooks has had an Obama Bush policy of to break up Russia and to draw Russia out from her borders and then kill Russian troops with Star Wars for a victory, without high yield nuclear fall out.

Russia though plays a different sort of board in chess in she has proven she will not be baited out of her wolf den. Mr. Putin has once again advanced a counter strategy to B 52's flying nuclear missions aimed at Russia and the neo F 16 nuclear bombers being arrayed at Russia. What the Kremlin has responded with is a Russian armada sitting in the Gulf of Mexico until after the American elections, if not permanently in Cuba and Venezuela in new bases.

This has been added to in Mr. Putin has elevated the status of Sergey Karaganov, whose main advice is that Russia must escalate and take the escalation from the woke west or ICBM's will be used and civilizaion will end.

This is a sound doctrine, considering the EU elections went right wing and are anti war with Russia. London, Berlin, Paris are dragging Europeans to world war as are the Kaganites in the District of Crooks. The main thrust being that the time has come for Russia to lead the escalation to effect the political climate to end this warmongering of NATO.

The basis of Karaganov's Doctrine is that God showed the world the way in using fire and brimstone to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah with the cities of the plains, and Russia in striking F 16 bases with hypersonic missiles, Russia arming it's allies with hypersonics which are designed to cripple the banking dictatorship enslaving the  West in these wars, will then graduate in this to using tactical nuclear weapons to make this Russian gambit affordable.

So you comprehend this, a Russian division is a target for Star Wars when in the open and on the move. A tactical nuclear warhead wins a battle of Romania NATO bases in an instant, and sends a morale decline to the peoples in Germany, England, France and Italy to not want that kind of heat in their lands from these NATO thugs. Nuclear weapons are the affordable method of war in this situation. It changes political policy, brings economic upheaval which the West feeds on alone, it is a one time bill of a bomb and not a perpetual cost of protecting a Division and by seizing the initiative, Russia is the one deciding in LONG BALL as this blog noted in setting the agenda. They already went tactical nuke, so can not be goaded into it, and as an invasion would defeat Russia in exposing their troops, the answer is keep the troops in Ukraine and Russia and let the nukes set the policy.

For Mr. Putin to be highlighting Sergey Karaganov is a sword rattling of perfect timing. He is a genius of setting political thought and policy in correct alignment.

In this current stance, Russia is doing something without doing anything, and it costs Russia nothing. There is an envelope in this of time for the European right to right this path with the leadership of Viktor Orban and others to role back the NATO financial dictatorship. Russia will remind the Europeans though of  the consequences of delays.

In this, Russia will strike the Falklands to strike Britain. Striking the Falklands and perhaps Bermuda, sends a message to the District of Crooks as Mockingbird will chirp on this which they will FOX try to inflame in Russian phobia, but Americans are in process rejecting the police state as no one wants war with Russia or Philistines. Once the Europeans see their back door has been blown up, then the order of battle in striking the Baltics and Romania with non nuclear weapons becomes a real exclamation point for Western Europeans. This is then the point where if the cartel does not back and and politics reverse to peace, that tactical nuclear weapons will appear in this escalation.

To the point in this, Europe needs a 5th Reich by real Germans to settle this situation out in the way Hitler achieved stability, except for the machinations of Winston Churchill and Joe Stalin with that Fran Roosevelt meddling which drove the world to war. Russia is not going to follow Joe Stalin's adventures of empire, because that is not Vladimir Putin doctrine.

Nuff Said

