Monday, June 17, 2024

Please Can't We all Just Love, the Jew, Merrick Garland, Our Protector


I just want all of this to stop and to smell the roses.

Merrick "Rosey" Garland
wonderful Jewish Attorney General

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

His honorableness, Attorney General Merrick Garland took to writing in the CIA Mockingbird Press to exclaim that ..........well it is best for the Attorney General to explain all of this as he is Jewish, the apple of God's Eye and has America really suffered from Jan6 frame jobs and billion dollar defenses where Donald Trump spreads the wealth around as we learn things like Stormy Daniels leaves her bra on during sex with Donald Trump.

Garland then posted a long list of complaints and concerns for which he has no tolerance:

“They come in the form of conspiracy theories crafted and spread for the purpose of undermining public trust in the judicial process itself. Those include false claims that a case brought by a local district attorney and resolved by a jury verdict in a state trial was somehow controlled by the Justice Department.

“They come in the form of dangerous falsehoods about the FBI’s law enforcement operations that increase the risks faced by our agents.

“They come in the form of efforts to bully and intimidate our career public servants by repeatedly and publicly singling them out.

“They come in the form of false claims that the department is politicizing its work to somehow influence the outcome of an election. Such claims are often made by those who are themselves attempting to politicize the department’s work to influence the outcome of an election.”

Of course this is all anti semitism as we did not have any of these troubles before the Jew, Merrick Garland was made Attorney General. I mean the Afroid, Eric Holder was torching down children in Waco Texas, framed those idiot Chechens for the Boston Blow Job when North Korea did it and Holder framed Democrat Illinois Governor, Rod Blagojevich, so there is obviously a double standard as it was Donald Trump's DOJ who trampled people and shot them to death on Jan6, not Merrick Garlands, so honestly Merrick Garland seem to have been framed and blamed for being a Jew as William Barr was not arrested for anything.

Anyway, in Reverse Speech, David John Oates found that Merrick  Garland actually said that FBI Director Chris Wray orders him around, so Merrick Garland is not even the one doing all of this. I don't know how this is all kosher as how can a goy at FBI be ordering a Jew around. It is like Dictator Biden telling Bibi Netanyahu that he can't blowup Gaza babies anymore. No one does anything like that so I see Merrick Garland's point in he is being blamed for the sins of the goy.

I know most of this is a mute point in Trump and those passive little Jan6er's are going to be replaced with Russians, Chinese, Iranians and whatever hordes are being let in by Merrick Garland's boss, Dictator Biden. You know the first thing that Russia is going to attack is the DOJ, the first thing the Chinaman hordes are going to be delivering special delivery and the first thing the Muslims are going to be doing is going after the DOJ and Bidencon as they are all Jews there. This is all anti semite and I'm surprised that Merrick Garland is this intimidated to not name this as anti semitism. We simply can not have a world where there is one law for all. Jews need to be special and above the law so law can be maintained.

So Merrick Garland is correct that words are like bombs and ..........this is just something that can not be condoned in a free society.

Garland’s decision to liken bomb threats to “disagreeing with Merrick Garland” shouldn’t be a surprise.

“We should expect nothing less from the attorney general who smeared concerned parents who speak out at school board meetings as ‘domestic terrorists.,” the report said.

But, it warned, “What Garland alludes to is bone-chilling, because he’s saying that ‘unfounded’ criticism of a weaponized and politicized Justice Department is the equivalent of a bomb threat.”

It seems we need an Ashli Babbitt clause in that FISA court thing that Birther Hussein set up and unleashed in droning Americans without trial. Congress and Bidencon needs to ship over like a million of those drones that Ukraine is murdering Russians with, and they need to be dispatched against Americans, legally of course, based on who Merrick Garland likes or dislikes. This would solve everything as I think I read that allot of the bombs America sent to Kiev are already on the Mexican border, so just load them on Merrick Gliders and hose down a few million of these Qanon faithful who are what the AG is talking about.

Now I will admit that I do not have the answers for when Russia blows places like Alexandria Virginia off the map or that hot new Jewish MAP of Mexico starts launching salvos across the Rio Grande to protect her people who invaded America, how the Department of Justice can protect themselves as they might be Mosaad trained SWAT, shoot everything in sight, but this is not like Black Vests and M 16's, this is some real firepower which will blow buildings up. Simply put the FBI has enough problems on it's hands lighting up Americans, so how can it protect itself from world powers like Russia and Mexico.

This blog has previously advocated that the DOJ get it's own nuclear arsenal. From what I've read, neutron bombs kill people and leave buildings intact. Is not this the solution the DOJ could employ. Launch some missiles at the people Merrick Garland has problems with, wipe out like half a city, and all those invaders seeking only Biden cash cards could then settle into these homes cleared out of Americans, providing of coures they vote democrat this November.

Can we not all just agree that in the Talmud we must follow the First Commandment in Love the Jew an the Second in Jews know Best. The world is best left to people who know how to discern what is right or wrong as laws get in the way of protecting society, and Merrick Garland only wants to protect society.

While the Attorney General did not provide any evidence, we really do not need evidence. He knows what the conspiracy theories are, the false claims, dangerous falsehoods, bullying and intimidation, and false claims, (sorry had to keep checking upstairs in the post to get it right, as apparently the false claims are a high priority as they are mentioned twice.)

As long as Attorney General Merrick Garland knows what he is talking about in doing an Op Ed in a CIA publication, that should be good enough for all of us. I do know that all of this kind of went silent in 2013 AD in the year of our Lord with Obama Inc. gunning down LaVoy Finnicum on the Malheur Refuge. It seems the SOP in this is the FBI dials up and says, "The Executive wants to assassinate someone, and the DOJ goes to a FISA Black  Robe who says, "This is a kosher kill". The FBI Hostage Rescue Team which is paramilitary and like LaVoy Finnicum, they dial up Delta Force which is military and they do the assassinations, as they have the snipers and the bomber drones".

It would seem that the Attorney General needs to do less writing in CIA papers and instead like at Trumps Mansion issue lethal orders, and then just have HRT, light up all of these Americans that the AG has declared are a threat and send in Delta Force to off them all. The DOJ just can not sit around on this as the Russians have naval missiles already aimed at the DOJ and all these hordes have these Kiev drone bombs ready to make mistakes and knock out the police state.  You just can not run operations against Americans from a bunker, hiding from these world powers and their drones.

The Lame Cherry like all readers here, will always support the DOJ and FBI and call for Jews to have unlimited operation of American agencies, and providing them with nuclear weapons to protect a free society which seems not to know what to do with freedom of being a sexual deviant and other sorts of things which are now in vogue.

Nuff Said
