Tuesday, May 7, 2024

A Russian Mindfuck of NATO


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Russian Government has the confidence now to announce that it will liberate and annex the Russian cities of Odessa, Kharkov and Kiev.

They are confident in their victory to the point of the cutting off the command and control of NATO.

The Russian Government is now deliberately leaking information on what Russia will engage in if NATO does not submit to 3 conditions. The result will be world war.

Russia will neutralize Finland and the Baltic countries. The Russian Government is informing the world of this and it's own people, over Russia being lied to by NATO, and now you will understand what Paul Craig Roberts and Jeff Rense have been frustrated over in Russia not ending the war to liberate Ukraine fast. This is psychological conditioning. NATO must be trained to accept defeat without escalation. NATO, Europe and the United States will submit to Russia returning to it's sphere of the Empire to it's previous western borders.

This takes time. The Kremlin is engaged in Pavlov's Dog in the corrupt leadership of the West. Every time Russia moves, the NATO dog will cower and submit.

Obama shit to Asia, and this master of the Volga is going to annex up to the old Austrian Hungarian Empire.

Nuff Said

