Saturday, May 11, 2024

America After the Nuclear Bombs Detonate


Natürlich werde ich der Anführer Russlands sein, wie Bruder Nathaniel es gesagt hat.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You people are such genuinely flat brain simpletons. It is not your fault as people are flat brain simpletons, and it can not be helped. As General William Sherman stated in his memoirs, "Government is best left to the educated class", and that is a fact as what the world is now are political whores from the political, industrial, financial and security sectors who have degrees which state they all have shit for is why the world is a big shit hole.

Fear porn has numbers of you thinking nuclear war and your prepping, but these glow worms scaring you have no idea what nuclear war planning is. They all think like you that you fire off nukes and that is the war, everyone dies and some two headed tumor kids are what humanity is. 

No it is not, so the popular girl is going to walk you through something from the Kremlin, because the flat brains in the District of Criminals, nor their puppet masters in London and Ashkenaz finance, never enter the G
erman way of thinking........and I speak of the real Germans, not those Merkel things that occupy that once Lutheran land.

To start this off, one does not just throw nukes at America. There is a vast amount of data, planning, projections, weather models etc... which all add up to what is the most important outcome after a nuclear exchange in, how has Russia survived to maneuver the peace terms as the world which is going to be born in the nuclear glow will be of this order for the next 300 years. You fight a nuclear war to inhabit that 300 year period of dominance.

Never heard that before have you?

This blog has already explained that the American Minuteman silos are bait for Russia to expend 400 warheads on empty silos or deer on the prairie. A strike there will have no effect, other than assisting the assholes who caused this war in Russia killing off White Christian Americans, exactly as Russia is eliminating White Orthodox Slavics in Ukraine to benefit a JuRuling class.

So therefore Moscow military planners will not waste 400 nuclear warheads on killing a base population which if attacked will be hostile, but if left alive will be liberated from Jan6 persecution, cartel erase and replace by invaders and who have an affinity of admiration for Vladimir Putin's Christian leadership. The world, 2025  AND, that is after nuclear detonation, will be one not of mass technology threats, but one of an 1890 industrial structure which if it prevails will not degrade to an 1810 structure............or your wee minds, it will be a steel industrial nation of regulated production and not the individual blacksmith hammering out rifle barrels and ploughshares. 

Russia can read the maps. Vladimir Putin reads the American maps. He correctly stated that 2020 AD in the year of our Lord were elections stolen by postal mail fraud. Russia knows that rural America, and enclave Republican voting areas are being dragged as under Wilson and Roosevelt to world war. Just like Abraham Lincoln and Phil Sheridan were pro Russian in the 1800's for America, there is pro Russian leadership in America, not in DC.

So to cut this to the quick, and not overload your brains, Russia is looking at the Reagan Blue areas of America and those glaring pinko spots of red of the metro woke dictatorships. Russia is looking at the horrendous hell that states like California, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota are held hostage by invasion and these Russophobe globalists  in places like Spokane, LA, Minneapolis and Russia is assessing after the AND event, that it would benefit itself immensely to align the board to friendly terms for Russia. That does not mean the following are pro Russian. It means they are not just anti Russian.

What the Kremlin would project would be selective eradication and selective protection. The Lame Cherry will use a 3 state set north and south to illustrate this.

In the north, one has North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota. In the south it will be Texas, Arkansas and Missouri.

How does Russia set the board? Russia would strike Minot North Dakota with a pollution detonation to make certain that nuclear bombers did not fly from their again, along with Ellesworth in South Dakota. Russia would not the ICBM silos, as they are defective and Russia can neutralize the with their S 500 systems. Russia would produce a kill zone in the Twin City metro woke dictatorship and probably pop Fargo North Dakota and Sioux Falls too  with local devices.

This would create a pocket of most of the Dakotas and Western Minnesota of a people who were not Russophobe

In the South, this is of more importance as Missouri has the other nuclear war base. That would be polluted. St. Louis as a liberal dictatorship would be eliminated too. Arkansas really has nothing to hit. This leaves Texas which is the base unit of Kremlin thought. Russia may turn Fort Hood into ashes, to end it's convenational military deployment,  it may vaporize San Antonio to shoo Mexicans back into Mexico, but for the most part Russia would leave Texas untouched, in knowing it was a state which Russia could work with, because Russia will have eliminated the liberal state dictatorship stranglehold on America in making ashes to ashes the West Coast and the Northeast.

This would leave Texas as the leading force in America, much as Virginia was at America's founding. Except for removing the toxic liberal metros in the states listed following, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Nevada, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa,Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee,Kentucky, West Virginia, Michigan, Pennsylvania would be left primarily untouched and form the Constitutional framework to make accord with Russia.
Russia will indeed contact these states, inform them immediately they were not included in the inititial response, and as long as hostile acts are not launched from their state, Russia in a ceasefire will seek peace terms with this coalition and not the bunkerstate which caused this global oblivion.

The world will have had enough nuclear war after the first minutes, will be furious at those who caused this, and will in America refuse the federal for the state power as DC and their police state is no longer capable of projecting intimidating power in America or abroad.

This is the AND world. Russian planners are as intent on this as those in the Pentagon plotting what peasant force in Europe and Asia to use as force to worry Russia with force as Poland, Turkey and China seek to carve out sections of land for the old empire.

You have never heard any of this have you?

Now you have in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. AND is the framework of all of this. Russia will seek a functional, non threatening confederation of American states with Americas they will reach understanding with, who will then bring to justice that which caused all of this destruction in the world.

You will begin to hear about a version of AND and in that The Lame Cherry will not be mentioned again as this blog is a reservoir of thought permeating the conversation, because the Lame Cherry always proves, right again.

Nuff Said

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