Sunday, May 12, 2024

Anthrophobe Voting Species

…. Senator Mitt Romney said in a written statement. “Our legislation would cut off US taxpayer funding to the UN if it gives additional rights and privileges to the Palestinian Authority and the PLO.” The Guardian

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

What were the United States of America, now is engulfed as a Twilight Zone State, against the world, mirroring the nuttery of Joe Stalin and the Warsaw Pac or Adolf Hitler and the Axis in standing alone in their enclaves of inhuman ideas against the world. You might a well add America, with the English and French is two genocide attempts against the German people in world wars.

The world stood up against the District of Criminals at the United Nations, over genocide of the Philistine people,

In a clear rejection of US policies and leadership in the Middle East, the UN general assembly voted overwhelmingly to back the Palestinian bid for full UN membership.

Here are the 9 nations which voted for genocide and against democracy at the United Nations.

Israel, United States, Czech, Hungary, Micronesia, Paupa New Guinea, Palau, Nauru, Argentina

So with Mormon Romney and Kristi Noem, Americans are criminalized for standing against holocaust and genocide,  we have a Tel Aviv mass murder policy overthrowing the United States. What has been an American funded socialist group, even in the Cold War when votes went against America, is now going to end, because the Arsenal of Democracy does no want a group of humans, who are a people, a nation, having a vote at the United Nations.

Dictator Biden and Mormon Romney are giving the vote to global invaders and paying them with taxpayer dollars, but for only the reason that Tel Aviv wants Gaza oil and gas, the Philistines do not get to vote.

The world was built on there was one law for king and commoner. There was one vote for all or not any vote was worth anything. We no longer have one law and votes are absolutely worthless.

This is the end times madness of the Anthrophobes.

Nuff Said
