Friday, May 24, 2024

Daily Drips

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I wonder about people in the study of forensic psychology.

I happened upon the public profile of an actress named Melanie Smith, a Jewess.

I catalogue averages, and on average in an era of Victoria Principals and Emma Samms, Melanie Smith may have been one of the most beautiful of women in the world, for a day, a week, a year at the most.

Hard to say in world of Donna Smiths or other faces that people forget the names of in centerfold spreads.

Being beautiful is not a gift. It is a burden. Burdens come in all forms from money, power, intelligence, athletic ability. Most can not handle what they have as it has them and they do not have it.

When I read the things this actress was posting in her old age, there was nothing but pain and looking for healing. People are always telling you things. I do not know why people wear their pain on their sleeves. Some think they transform it into helping others to give it meaning. It just is the same in one big open wound announcing to the world things that being a martyr should not be announced to the world.

I would think that being an apple of God's Eye, being a Jew to be worshiped by Ziongelicals like the Speaker of the House, would account for something, like a snort of cocaine or a shot of whiskey does for some before it gets them the hole that ends up a grave.

As a Protestant Christian, I have had more than my share of Job realities. I don't tell people I have pain. I explain things which I have experienced, so they know someone else survived and I was carried through by the Lord Christ. The purpose of adversity is to grow Spiritually. It's purpose is to show living proof that we do not abandon God, in all of these things Job did not sin.

Sin is rebellion against God.

Pain is the result of something that penetrates past our callous protecting the child in us.

I would that Melanie Smith were not in pain from life.  I would that she did not have to star on the internet of pain. Christ says He is the Prince of Peace or the antidote to pain, but that is not an option for a religion like hers, as her religion is waiting for a messiah as they rejected the one who appeared.  It is a reality that most of the world has rejected the first option, and is not looking for any coming option. It is what the world is and that is the majority of the people in it, who are influenced or possessed by the negative Christ ways of what the world is.  We can all look around and see what the world has become, from a place of the Pilgrims and Jamestown were . No one is examining that reality, they are just manifesting more and more of the world without Jamestown.

Odd that Melanie Smith is smiling in most of her memes about pain. I have not ever smiled with pain. I have had numbers of people smile at my pain, but I really do not smile in pain.

Daily drips. By the time most of us have got the grey hair starting have pretty much shed the daily drips in shedding them in ignoring what bothered us at age 6.

I'm not Melanie Smith in all she has, and yet I have a whole lot of nothing, but in reality in Christ I'm allot better off than she ever has been.

