Thursday, May 2, 2024


My mum was a 25 watt bulb Foghorn.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

PB just wrote and as I just mentioned to Richard and Stephanie my adventure, I would answer this here with a short note as it has to do with incubators.

Hello Lame Cherry,

I hope you and TL are doing well.  Finally getting some nice days in the high 50's and low 60's.   I was wondering if you ever tried out the incubator that you made.   I read up some on incubating eggs and I was somewhat perplexed at the temperature requirements.  I'm doubtful a hen keeps an egg +/-1 degree for 21 days straight, yet they seem pretty successful at hatching their eggs.

Yes my incubator works wonderfully well. I have the egg tree (made of plywood with holes in it for the eggs) on a center pivot so I turn the eggs usually 4 times a day as I have chicks in the porch, and it does not take much to put a lever one way or the other.

While I had to special order on Ebay regular and not LED lights as I need the heat, mine runs on 25 watt bulbs and I use an electric water heater thermostat that goes from too hot to too cold. To answer PB, mine runs at shut off at about 101 degrees. It cools to about 95 degrees then comes back on. This does work, and I have a pie pan with a sponge in it for humidity I fill in the morning.

I have had to help chicks get out of eggs in taking the shell off without making them bleed.

Now for a bit more in I got a Chinaman incubator for 96 eggs last year for about that price with tax. It did not hatch an egg. I got busy, left it till this year and it was all corroded so I have parts coming from China on a slow boat. Hence my incubator is come into play as I got a surprise yesterday in a phone call offering me 20 guinea eggs which are now here  and if the incubator settles down as it looks like it will now, all should be kosher for keets in 28 days. I have about a half dozen chicken eggs I plan on setting too. Thank you for reminding me 21 days as I was thinking 28 like the guinea fowl.

My idea is that hens set on the ground. They roll their eggs around. A hen is almost too hot to touch under her winds, and not so much on the cold ground, and chickens do hatch out, so these geniuses are in their climate control not that expert.  Too cold they will not hatch, but too cool they hatch a day late, warmer, they hatch a day early, too hot and they cook.

I had his incubator burn the bulb out one night and did not find out to the next morning. Birds do leave their nest to feed so as long as it is not fridge cold, the chicks will make it.

Now I have to figure out if these repairs will make this Chinaman work or if I have to tear apart all this chit and rebuild the thing. I have to find a timer that will turn eggs twice a day as this computer chit is chit and am not dealing with it. If I find one, will wire it to it's own circuit and voila it will be warm, a fan on one line and the turner on another.

I really should have just built one instead of doing China, but I thought this would be so easy. Yes it is in easy to not hatch eggs, but I can not afford those 1000 dollar plus machines and hatching the few eggs I would hatch is not worth a thousand egg machine.

The microwaves are usually too small for these auto egg turner things which are in this Chinaman, so that is why I was not building one.I probably will just have to build a cabinet eventually, but I don't have time as we have worse weather here now than January in cold and wet. Can't even get into the garden to plant things.

Hope that helps, but unless you have space age climate control chit, the old incubators were like kerosene heaters and you can imagine what that was like for climate control.

One last thing, put warm water into your pans, not cold as that always has to be heated up by the incubator and delays things.

Nuff Said

