Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Russian Nuclear Response Projection

Россия заставит вас трястись за ваши киевские яйца

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do not have any time to waste on non donors in entertaining. I have concluded that those freeloaders are all going to die and end up dragged to hell for not helping out here, so this is a simple white paper for my children in what would be an intelligence analysis of the Russian position in deploying hypersonic missiles at NATO HQ.

Pay attention.

Russia has announced on state television that they would use their nuclear hyperonic platforms against NATO command and control. They will not target civilian populations as they do not want them harmed. The purpose would  be to inflame the mob to rise up and demand and end to these Goddamn woke globalists dragging  us all into this precarious situation.

As the Lame Cherry is one of the last nuclear warfare experts, you understand why Ritter and MacGregor are silent on this stuff, as there is a difference between military assessment and forensic psychological diplomacy and nuclear warfare.

I do not conclude that Russia will launch nuclear warheads in their response to NATO 101 Airborne and French forces engaging in Ukraine. What the Kremlin will do is this.

They will warn again. They will announce in public and in private, that they have launched their hypersonics as they will appear in satellite plumes. They will confirm that these MERV's are  NON NUCLEAR warheads and are a response to  NATO aggression against Russians in direct attacks upon Russia.

This is Russian chess. Russia wants the population scared with this slap to engage them to bring down these regimes and bankers behind this Ashkenaz for profit venture threatening Russia. This will destabilize and probably shatter NATO in this response.

It is hard to launch a nuclear attack on Russia to justify it, when it is a conventional attack.

NATO will then be forced to attack in response with conventional weapons, most likely soft targets in Russian ships etc..
Russia has the S 400 defense which would stop most of these attacks and Russia can absorb that without escalation.

America in this time would launch their nuclear bombers, but as it takes 12 hours for them to hit Russia, this is the window which Russia would bet this gambit on that this would not go nuclear.

Russia even in escalation, would not strike the Minuteman Bases in America as they are Pentagon bait. The Pentagon before the Soviet Union fell was going to retire all of these antique systems. They are bait for 400 Russian missiles to save the woke metros. The Kremlin comprehends this and it is not logical to blow up empty silos, blow up deer or blow up missiles which 25% will not probably launch nor complete mission, 25% will not hit target and Russia has the S 500 system which will destroy most of these ICBM's if they were lost. Russia would fire it's 400 warheads at double tap targets and not the few hundred thousand plains people and deer. It is logical to hit metro dictatorships where millions would be killed and disabled to drain resources than be concerned about BFE North Dakota.

Russia's conventional SARMAT striking off NATO would be strategic. It would warn the world, warn NATO, and bring NORAD online to tempt Star Wars to stopping these warheads. In this Russia's gambit is to activate Star Wars, to assess it's capabilities as the allies would howl for protection and not getting it, would howl at DC and this would break apart NATO as being worthless.

If Star Wars were successful, Russia had it's success in it responded, provoked the mob to bring down t these woke mad genders, and by this Russia would if this escalated use nuclear weapons to neutralize Star Wars, where their platforms led by SARMAT would then be a success.

It is assessed that Russia as part of NATO command na control would sink the USS Eisenhower and those escorts with conventional hypersonics. It will strike Norfolk Virginia, the American NATO base, with the strategy of inflaming the Jan6 population and now Gaza Protesters to bring down the Ziongelical regime in the District of Criminals in Speaker Johnson and Dictator Biden.

Russia would deem it collateral damage any conventional American response, as the bigger prize is shattering the American police state, political whore state and finance and war profit pimp state which is threatening Russia.

The minor chance this would escalate to a nuclear response with the napping Dictator Biden would deem this a scare the shit out of Rainbow Blinkin and Austin worth the risk,

Sinking US Navy ships would break the illusion of the American naval projection of power in the Pacific and Mideast.. Hitting Norfolk would scare the shit out of the Pentagon as they would know they were 15 minutes from a smoking pile too.

This is the quick talking point assessment and reasoning of the Russian nuclear response. It reflects the Russian chessboard response in well thought out response, which does not respond the quickest to on the ground situations, but it does grind along with effective results when pitted against these fruit brain faggots who are Western policy group who are delusional and cowards in proxy fights.

I expect Russia to strike NATO command as it would be advantageous in the long game. Short game they would have the Amen Sean Homo Hannity and Mark Levin Mockingbird as in Ukraine, but the American voice is now dominating. Russia would in long game of a few months gain the American and Western voice to cease this threat as Hal Turner stated, "Americans in comfort do not squeal like pigs until they are in danger". Russia would win the political battle in the West in 3 months and gain the field as the population would rise up in not having anything to lose with being vaporized later or trying to stop this and being shot down by the FBI or MI5.

This is generating  plus 50% in the plus minus toward Russian response. The Russians will not be baited by obsolete missiles in Minot, but will instead set their own bait to achieve their long goal in the end of NATO. As this is what the old order  in Europe desires to get rid of America and England to set up their Reich, the semblance of this is a projection for these events to transpire.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

