Thursday, May 9, 2024

The trial of a dwarf

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Kremlin has engaged in an interesting gambit in listing the dwarf Zellinskyy as a wanted war criminal and his potential replacement, the former Victoria Nuland stooge, Porchenko, in preparation for the May 20th expiration of the selected regime in Kiev when Zellinskyy cancelled elections and therefore an illegitimate figure in Kiev.

Zellinskyy is now wanted dead or alive, without reward.

This though has nothing to do with Russian forces. This has to do with Ukrainian military and the population now having an avenue where they can move with the population against the Nuland regime, and have an avenue sue for peace with Russia. The agreement would be simple. Russia gets South Ukraine, including Odessa, and Russia gets Zellinskyy and these other stooges to prosecute in court. There is not going to be any rallying of support with Zellinskyy in a Russian dungeon.

We have now before us a unique  situation where the war in Ukraine will end. All that will be left are a few scattered NATO groups to fight Russia, as the military of Ukraine is collapsing and it will withdraw. It will be like the collapse of the Reich in Germany when Hitler flew off to Argentina with others. Hitler though was able to bargain with America with nuclear material and fixing the Oppenheimer bomb, Zellinskyy has absolutely nothing to bargain with Moscow with, he is a mass murderer and will be tried as such.

Like all regimes, even in the West, if a criminal outlet is presented, an illegitimate leader is present in a fraud election, then the people given enough cover to not be Ashli Babbitt in the streets, regime change would be initiated. This is what Russia is laying the groundwork for in Kiev, and this will progress to the West as Russia gains a hegemony with the rest of the world in BRICS.

Nuff Said
