Monday, May 27, 2024

The Woodman War


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a most interesting development concerning the terror attacks sponsored by London, Paris and the District of Crooks, in for everyone looking for a Euro Russian exchange, the Russians are correctly moving to a Long Ball using conventional weapons in the hypersonic class.

While the Kremlin warned by Paris and London, and is blaming DC, the information is that Russia is singling out the Normans of London as the weak link and it is the correct order of battle.

What Russia is saying is, they will hit England proper in bases, as much as London,  but Russia is going to strike British military bases around the world.

The focus of this is the Falklands and Gibraltar which are crucial as Argentina would move to take the Falklands back and Gibraltar would end the gate keeping of the Mediterranean and unleash Muslim forces with missiles on NATO shipping.

But there are other areas in Singapore, Bermuda and the UK nuclear submarine bases in Scotland.

Bermuda would rattle the sword in DC's face and produce a reaction in the American public which would pressure the regime there and not inflame the populace against Russia. Singapore would cut the main point into Asia and nuclear submarines being hit in Scotland would renew the Scottish rite to kicking the British out.

There is an even greater target structure in British oil and gas platforms in the North Sea.

Deprive England of energy revenues and England falls where Hitler could not topple her in Wolf Pack War. That is western energy, and denying that source, only raises prices for producers in OPEC plus, and leaves prices for BRICS allies at non inflationary Russian prices.

Russia by hitting British bases and assets, would so send a political shockwave through Europe and America, that any retaliation would bring more hits from the Kremlin with even more direct consequences. The clock on this is generating.

This would be about intimidation, fear porn in the West as the proxy war would be bringing direct threats to the "homeland" and begin real deprivations. There is a greater chance that hitting these British assets would cause more political damage in toppling the English than in rallying support. These strikes would topple Manny Macron in France as the French would understand their world would be hit, and it would move the democrats to remove Dictator Biden,  as Bermuda smoke plumes would not rally for a war supporting Nazi in Ukraine, but rally a surge on the Gaza Projection to swell ranks of protests across America to put an end to this, as the GENS need their pablum of security in cell phone texts.

This will be a most interesting cause and effect. 

If the Russian ally of Tehran, becomes involved in the retaliation of their leadership being assassinated, the Oman, Qatar,  UAE and Bahrain will be wiped of British presence, which upon being a target, pressures Centcom to go low profile or be invited to leave too, breaking the Anglo American presence, as much if Cyprus is neutralized in the vulnerable British American ugly neighbor presence there which elevates Turkey to a more dominant position over Greece.

This is a most interesting Russia board, which will not affect Russia proper or BRICS, but bring shattering results in banking, energy and commerce in these crucial British platforms.

Король и шут - Лесник - стихотворный перевод на английский язык

Mar 10, 2020 ... Hi! In this video ... Король и шут - Лесник - стихотворный перевод на английский язык - THE WOODMAN - from rus into eng ... Shorts remixing this ...

Nuff Said
