Friday, June 28, 2024

A Prussian Ghost Speaks of World War IV

Erwin Rommel watching his troops moving, behind left,  is Colonel Friedrich-Wilhelm von Mellenthin, Afrikacorps Intelligence Officer

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry has suffered through a great deal for my children and brats, in there has been a deluge of MI6 and CIA propaganda, concerning German warfare by Jewish "historians" who got it all wrong.

Fortunately for you, sometime ago, the Holy Ghost placed  before me an oversight history by the German officers who actually were in the Panzer corps in the memories of Major General Fredrich von Mellenthin. His name like most of the generals does not sound German, because it is not. Fredrich von Mellinthin was Prussian aristocracy of the old order, and they truly were the master race. The propaganda lists them as Germans, but they are their own race and why this race experienced the worst genocide and holocaust of any people in history, as they were mass murdered in two world wars, started against them, and all their lands were seized and they were scattered to the wind.

This is not a lament or a eulogy of Prussians, this is the voice from the grave providing you a rare insight into what the Russian war machine is, which these same genocidists have unleashed against Americans, Europeans and Russians again for the next world war. You are about to learn what even the woke Pentagon has no idea of, what the Russian is at war.

Major General Mellenthin in his memoirs of the history of the Panzer battles in World War II, was a remarkable figment of history, for he began in Berlin as a Staff Officer. Was part of the Polish and the French Wars, was Intelligence Officer for General Irwin Rommel in Africa, was stationed afterwards on the Eastern Front with the 48th Panzer outside Stalingrad, and as a Staff Officer in each situation, to the final surrender on the Western Front. General Mellenthin was part of the planning and carrying out of campaigns, and was exposed to the greatest military minds ever produced, so his assessments of British, French, Russian, Romanian, Italian, American and German officers, enlisted, equipment and fighting was the actual combat.

In a rather smooth overview of the Panzers, Mellenthin in 3 pages sums up the Russian army, and you will notice thee exact same mindset at work in President Vladimir Putin's army at work in Ukraine. The Russians are masters at specific warfare craft and you are about read of them, and if you remember the posts here and he information you have read concerning Ukraine, you will have a lightbulb going off as you will note that Mellenthin had this assessment in 1943 AD in the year of our Lord in being exposed to combat on the Eastern Front.

To sum up the General in three short phrases concerning Russian warcraft.

  1. The Russian army is masterful at infiltration. It did not matter the strength nor patrols of the lines. The previous twilight would discover by the dawn, Russians have infiltrated with their equipment into your flank, whether it was one soldier, a squad or a platoon. The Russians would have to fought and dealt with as they were constantly at this type of warfare.
  2. The Russian army are masters of bridgeheads into their enemy lines. When you located a bridgehead, you had better cut it off and kill it immediately, because give a Russian an hour and it became a major problem, leave that position a few hours and it would become a disaster, leave it a day and you were left with a major task of trying to destroy that position in hard fighting.
  3. The Russian army once deployed will use all men and resources to obtain the objective to either victory or the need to withdraw, regroup, send in a new battle group, and have this battered army appear in a new location on the line of attack with new troops and equipment.

This is what Russia excels at. The Wagner group has extended this with moving squad warfare armed with AK 47's, RPG's, thermobaric bombs and coordination with artillery and air attacks for urban and trench warfare.

Mellenthin records a reality of the Russian soldier in Ukraine. He stated there were "balkas", a dry ravine running all through these steppes. The Russians had gotten into one of these and for weeks were causing problems in the German flank. The Germans tried everything to get the Russians out, but could not do it. A small Russian plane would sometimes drop packages into the ravine and that is all the supply the Russians needed.

Finally, the German command summoned 3 infantry Lieutenants and ordered them to produce a plan to get those Russians out of their dug in positions and artillery to air attacks had failed to remove these 400 Russia troops.

The infantry officers plan appeared 3 days later. The plan was to roll tanks up to the edge of the ravine for cover fire, send in Lancers with grenades and drive the Russians from their holes. The Russians came out fighting. The Germans were successful but were astonished that 1000 Russian soldiers were in that ravine and they were surviving in combat on boiled grass and they had dug deep holes for water.

These Russians are not these woke faggots of the West in pedo fatness. The Russian is still this genus which went into Chechnya with brutal thoroughness. The Asians who raped Russell Bentley and blew his head off. Make no mistake in the White Russian can be a compassionate and humane person to those allied to them in civilians, but they are capable of things which the woke Americans are no longer capable of in the GENS.

The Russians do have inherent weaknesses. While their command and control is still rather one dimensional, they coordinate much better, they are still dimensional and regimented in their art. This is why the NATO intelligence fed breakout of the Nazi of Ukraine into the Russian lines was a success. The Russians have an order of battle, and if it goes wrong, Chechnya and Ukraine for example, they do not fix it on the march like the Germans or Americans of before were able to accomplish. The Russian withdraws in Czarist protocol, regroups, forms a new plan and then attacks with a withering blow and by overwhelming through attrition, they win the contest.

Give a Russian army enough time, they will defeat you, so that you have no fighting force left to threaten them. They are most thorough on their chessboards being tidy.

The Russians have plans. They do not react. They have action plans based upon what they assess will be an enemy's attack. That is why Mr. Putin a month ahead of NATO and DC had ships in Cuba and meetings with North Korea. It is why when President Putin mentions he is upgrading his nuclear arsenal without explanation, it is the Kremlin with a plan to form a quadrad, a 4th dimension of attack into near space. When Russia develops a plan, they will implement it. Be certain that Russia will attack Star Wars in space and the West from near space.

The Lame Cherry is aware of the intrigue and machinations of the US Pentagon in this Kaganite London crippling war against Russia and it's diversions, but NATO has helped Russia create a 1 million man, combat experienced fighting force, which is accomplished and no one should ever help an adversary no matter the plan in attempting to lure our Russia to kill it, to produce a hardened 1 million man fighting force, which can survive in cold and heat, and whose grandparents ate grass and shit water in holes to continue fighting to the death.

You have just read a better assessment than what the entire media has produced for years on what Russia is. This short explanation is more information than what all of the White House and the Pentagon have for analysis. You can conclude this because the Pentagon is quite English in Great Game flat brain tactics in they get a female objective and continue to build toward it no matter how many disasters are piling up on top of each other.

This is the Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, in appreciation of Holy Ghost Inspiration and the Prussian genius who had this all analyzed before all of you were born.

Nuff Said
