Thursday, June 13, 2024



Senior Director of the White House National Security Council Pranay Vaddi emphasized that the United States sees the need to increase and diversify the country's nuclear arsenal. At the same time, Washington expressed its intention to comply with the provisions of the New START Treaty until the end of the treaty, as long as Russia does the same.

Peak stockpile31,255 warheads (1967)[2]
Current stockpile3,708 (2023)[3]

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There seems to be a confusing discrepancy of the numbers of nuclear weapons which the United States has. This is kind of important as 3700 warheads, becomes, 5200 warheads and if one reads the fine print, one discovers that America had over 31,000 warheads, but the difference between active and inactive is basically a slight of hand in removing the tritium components which are in another "national stockpile", so as Richard Nixon opted for the money end of nuclear material production for the profit of others, the nukes that Ronald Reagan got rid of, really did not go away, but are in some "inactive" stockpile making a huge fortune on those managing it, and all of those nukes are just a slight of hand to going active again.

Now mind you, 3000 nuclear warheads are enough to destroy all civilization. The reason this matters is the Biden Swammie above says America needs even more nuke to deal with Russia and China, and a real woke diversity arsenal.

I will have more on this on the other side. Meet you there.

Inactive stockpile warheads are maintained in a nonoperational status. Inactive stockpile warheads have their tritium components removed as soon as logistically practical, and the tritium is returned to the national repository.3 Other LLCs may not be replaced until the warheads are reactivated and moved from the inactive to the active stockpile. Some inactive stockpile warheads are refurbished with all required LEP upgrades, while others are not upgraded until the refurbishment is required for reactivation. Some inactive stockpile warheads may also be evaluated for reliability estimates. All inactive stockpile warheads are validated for safety, and are typically stored at a depot rather than an operational base.

If one examines the United States arsenal which has been manufactured, and mind you there is the big stuff, the dial a nukes and in the list below, there seems to be absent the suitcase nukes, which someone would smuggle into some leader's underwear drawer to even things out in a first nuke strike

You will notice in the list below rifle nuke, artillery nukes and what appears to be nuke mines. Remember the Swammie now in wanting more nukes, what he wants is for Dictator Biden to ACTIVATE the nuke in storage. If you look at the Sprint based nukes, were almost hypersonic nukes based in North Dakota, meant to explode a neutron bomb to fry incoming nuke. Yes the neutron bombs are hidden in this group. So you can see Dictator Biden is being told that in order to diversify, the entire nuke for profit is going to be funded in the trillions of dollars to activate these gems.

The Lame Cherry will tell you what this means at source. These woke bunkerstate visionaries are not going to fight a nuclear war. Their nuclear launch sequence is going to not be once, not twice, not 10 times. These bunkerstate nuclearphiles are going to launch hundreds of times, this nuclear sequence is going  to last decades, until there is nothing left alive on earth. Their doctrine is defined by when almost all of America is dead, they are going to keep hitting Eurasians when they come out of their safe cities, this District of Crooks run out of London, is going to keep hitting Russia and China with their vast inventories so they will keep bombing the United States. There literally will be nothing left alive as there will be radiation repoisoing for years.

The bunkerstate is going to launch 30,000 warheads after the initial planned 2025 AD in the year of our Lord cropping. This sounds like madness to you, but to immortals with their DNA tree of life, they figure they can outlast the radiation and perhaps are insane enough they think they will enjoy their tunnel network or being off planet.

This United States does not need more nuclear warheads. The United State does not need more diverse warheads. Thee American People do not need, want nor desire a Bushism decades long war with waves of nuclear strikes for their holocaust and their genocide.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

Nuff Said
