Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Chinese Secret Nuclear Bases


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Why has communist China been allowed to purchase ports and property near US installations.

You will be informed. Meet you on the other side.

Why Has China Purchased Farmland Near 19
Different Military Bases Inside The United States?

Satellite Images Of China's Shipyards Worry The US

This is not going to take long.

The girls of Peking are purchasing facilities to pre position hydrogen bombs.

My history professor used to regale me with tales about using nuclear weapons to cut canals across nations. He positively was enraptured with the idea.

So the reason the Chicoms are buying up key properties is to not trust in long range missiles. The Soviet's pre positioned nukes in small spaces, but the Chinese having free J Street Reign in America, along with open Biden borders for an invasion army already on soil, are in theory building nuclear Claymore mines.

See you get this big ass Mother of all Chin hydrogen bombs. You build a concrete casing for it on their US property. The idea is like dynamite, and maybe in theory an electromagnetic directional field, you leave side toward you target open for the least resistance and all that energy is directed outward like a Claymore at a specific direction.

The theory is that you get a big enough hydro, say like in Grand Forks North Dakota, that the energy could on surface wipe out everything from Minot west where the silos are.

Now here is something else in being the last nuclear warfare expert that no one else knows in the former scalar craze from that military guy that made all the news in pre Qanon.

In theory, think of land like water, like an earthquake. It is possible to liquify land or make it act like a fluid in carrying a wave of energy, like earthquakes do. So you have this hydro in your Clamore cell, and you pop it off. The energy wave would then flow at a very fast rate and like a dog shaking water off or crack the whip, it would transer to obects like oil wells or concrete silos, popping one off their pedastal and the other doing like the Twin Towers when they were pulled by Bush fam and turned into powder.

So one can see the Chinese are not so mad, but have a theoretical purpose in ending an above threat like troops, aircraft etc... above ground and subsurface ending the launch sequence of dinosaur missiles.

I coudl do the math in tis to see how far this wave would project, but in a New Madrid type quake, the ground was torn according to Davy Crockett, into Tennessee which was hundreds of miles away. As the earth can be rent, some wetware primates would kind of mush up in silos in that energy transfer.

That though is the theory and I have no idea what the link says is behind the farmland binge, but it is about the Claymore cells, as nothing could be better than to have your own private ownership, to maintain your devices, and have nice operational depots for other germs or weapons, depending on the need of the moment.

Nuff Said.

