Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Trump Tariff Tax

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, Donald Trump lied to everyone when he stated that no one earning under 50,000 dollars a year would have to pay income tax. Upon taking office, he soon scrubbed all the MAGA Promises to Americans and Corporates got the tax breaks while Americans did not have the Obama taxes relieved upon them.

Donald Dump is back. This time before a Congress which just ordered every child in America to be fodder for the Obama Bush Biden wars which are being set up in Asia. Donald Dump before this told donors he would bomb Peking and Moscow. That would bring nuclear war to all and death to Americans not hauled away into the woke military to be vaxed, raped and shot to death.

The new promise from Donald the Deserter though is that he is now going to replace the Income Tax in a bankrupt America he helped destroy for 4 years, with a Tariff Tax on all imported goods, that is what a tariff is. This is also termed as Economic Warfare.

Meet you on the other side.

Trump Suggests Eliminating Income Tax In Favor Of High
Import Tariffs During DC Republicans Meeting

For some history on this, as the Lame Cherry actually supports going back to a tariff system as that is what America was founded upon in taxing imported English goods, until George Washington needing more money put on the Booze Tax, started an insurrection and created a mess.

That is what America then functioned under. Limited Government. Taxes raised by imported goods to protect American production and people got to keep what they worked for.  There were not hidden excise taxes on what horses ate the way there are excise taxes on cars for the gas you need to put into them.

That all changed with the coming of the foreign owned Federal Reserve.  In order to feed the debt monster created by bankers selling the People their own money, the regime for the bankers needed a direct pipeline into the US Treasury, provided by Congressional spending and funding under Frank Roosevelt and his world war.

Once the income tax appeared, without ever being ratified, as when you overthrowing a government, one does not need to obey the laws, the Nazi or National Socialist system of the Reich was installed into America. The regime using the police state and  guns confiscated people's earnings, and funneled them into corporations. This got so bad under Obama Inc that this Birther was going after money in foreign banks and was money pumping from the US Treasury into the Stock Market so the DC Regime became the biggest shareholder in every corporation............the party responsible was George W. Bush who with Karl Rove set up the faggot billionaire hedgefund operation to manage the cliques control over America, as W also started pumping funds into funding what would be Obama's 3rd world implosion, causing invasions in the West that became Biden's cash cards to the invaders, funneling more money into the Nazi Conglomerates owned by the regime.

Now do I want this tariff system? Yes, but with the warning that I want a Constitutional Convention, but I know if one happens it will be this cartel which will gut the Constitution and not fix things. Just as I know a Balanced Budget Amendment would mean the regime would have all power to balance their spending by stealing even the crumbs off your floors.

There is not enough money in tariffs to fund this spending cancer which is DC., the District of Conglomerates for the globalists. In Trump reality which he will never tell you, is it will all work like this.

You will cheer as no income taxes.

Then you will go to the grocery store and find your Mexican made Oreos are now 50 dollars a box and not 10. You will find your South Korean Hankook tires are 5000 dollars a tire and not 250. You will find that everything in Walmart which all comes from China will tally up for a cart full of things to 25,000 dollars because that is where these Trump tariff's will all go to, YOU THEE AMERICAN. As that is where taxes are all passed along to YOU THEE AMERICAN.

That is where that bullshit of Rush Limbaugh saying only rich people paid taxes. No the percentage of taxes paid by poor people is 75% of their income. Rush Limbaugh, Homo Hannity, Mark Levin or Donald Trump never paid 75% taxes in their lives. Poor people do it all the time.

How you survive for the most part in a tariff economy is scavenging, salvage, making your own things, repairing your own things, and growing your own things. Whether this Trump tax is going to be foisted on people, it does not matter, because the Lame Cherry is informing every one of you, that you are going to have to change your luxury lifestyles in order to live. It may be in the future too expensive for you to take a shit and flush the toiler in the cost of your excise tax water bill. You will instead have to without anyone finding out, put in your own well and use that water to flush, and put in a blank tank to hold water so you can shower, wash clothes and dump that into the septic. That will work until they figure out what people are doing, and then they will charge the outflow rate into the treatment plant.

What I'm telling you is that you are going to have to return to the things or life that your 1920  Grandparents were living in. The problem though is that most of you are so head up your ass that you never paid attention to the artifacts which were before you or asked about what these things were in the junk pile.

An example is JYG. I walked into the yard last year and there was this wooden tub with two holes in it. He picked it up and salvaged it and did not have a clue what the hell it was. I immediately exclaimed, "I see you have a reservoir". Now JYG knows almost everything and he was trying to figure out what I was talking about and he asked me again this year as it did not soak in, but I knew what this redwood tub was as I had seen one as a child on Grandma Dellie's place as that farm was a depository of things like windmills with generators that charged these huge battery packs (like flashlight batteries) which I was still finding in the trees and wondering what the hell they were.

OK here is the Texas version as in Texas, they used springs to put their bacon into to keep it from rotting.

Groundwater is like 48 to 58 degrees, fridge temperatures. You had livestock you had to water and feed, so you had your windmill which pumped water on windy days, but you did not just pump it into the cow tank. No, you had a pipe which took the water from the pump, and pumped it into this small 100 gallon tank, with a pipe taking the overflow out to your stock tank. That 100 gallon tank was your reservoir or refrigerator. The  water pumped was cool. The reservoir was in the shade of trees, not the direct sun. The reservoir did sweat a bit and this transpiration helped keep the tank cool. That was a fridge which did not cost electricity to run. Put an 8 inch pipe, vertical, six feet down into the ground and keep it covered and it would not freeze in most below zero weather. Now you can either have your rotten food or you can figure out how to recirculate water to keep your food cold and gee if you are a bright child, you can put up a radiator and use that cool 50 degree water to make a water air conditioner so you do not fry your ass in the summer.

You figure out how to use electricity sparingly with less consumption and you live like your grandparents did while others are enslaved in high Trump inflation or die of heat stroke or rotten food.

The moral of this story is you are going to be fucked over, no matter what. Donald Trump is not Ronald Reagan with Bill Casey, setting up an American Dream. You are going to have to not just prep, but change over to a way so you are not consuming the things which are going to be used to loot what money you have.

You either learn to live so you do not suffer so much or you suffer and die.

Take the advice of Little Jimmy Dickens. He made a living as a shorty playing the guitar as it was easier than using a short shovel to dig wells or coal.

Little Jimmy Dickens - Sleeping At The Foot Of The Bed - YouTube

Feb 12, 2010 ... Little Jimmy Dickens - Sleeping At The Foot Of The Bed. 173K views · 14 years ago ...more. yankee1830. 38K. Subscribe.
