Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Follow the Vulture


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I had been in a rather pissy mood in God showing too much patience in not soul requiring people who have wronged me in feeling slighted. The Holy Ghost is always good about Comforting me, and I accept this loving kindness as I learned the worst mistake in my live in challenging God about that.

So we were out digging and planting trees and went for a drive when finished, when we noticed two buzzards in the ditch. I stop and check buzzards as I want to know what died, as the last time God used the vulture to show me where our best cat Unser Puntz had expired in a field from old age. I was most grateful to get my little boy home and buried under the big tree at the end of the driveway for closure.

So we stopped, and the rushes were tall as this was all water last year in HAARP floods. Took awhile but it was some bloated raccoon, who someone had thrown off there, after chopping off their tail. Never fails to puzzle me why it is people in lake properties or towns, just think that people in the country can always use another beer can,  dead animal or cat dropped off.  I ran a fat bitch off last year who was running her dog on our road as I do not want dirty dog shit on my road on my tires or in my shoes For some reason people in towns, just would be upset if I dumped dog shit and beer cans on their lawn, but in the country it is all kosher.

As dead coons are not that interesting, we were preparing to leave, when I spotted this square black box. I thought maybe it was some rotted chair at first, but as I moved it, and it was heavy, I saw it was a box with a shelf. I kept thinking thee shelf was made of stone as it was very heavy  too.
TL told me it was a kind of display box, which seemed like what it was. As it looked like something I could display eggs for hatching or seeds for sprouting I slid it out of the ditch.

That is when I found a lovely box of green 22 cartridges which I had discovered in the box. Then there was this rotten box of what TL informed me were 380 auto cartridges.That is the kind of Holy Ghost adventure to perk me up.

The door was gone on the gun safe, so we revisted later and found that in the undergrowth. I was hoping to find the pistols which shot the 22 and 380, but nothing appeared. I intend to inquire if they are there as that is the kind of world I would like in finding guns and finding a bag of money. I'm a little kid yet and think if grand adventures in gold at the end of rainbows....as it was I had green old cartridges which I doubt will fire.

My plan is to save my treasure and use them to trade when things meltdown as what else would I do with ammo which is not dangerous, but barter it away for whatever as this is God's adventure to make my heart glad.

This must have been some beer drunk local who went out shooting, got beer drunk, loaded the gunsafe into their pick up bed, drove off, it slid out, bounced, tore the open door off and submerged in the water where I discovered it. Wow shallow sea treasure and I did not have to even be at the ocean.

I think I would have prefered some Latin mafia, uzis, piles of cash, maybe a Rolex watch and that kind of adventure as the FBI had shot them all down like Ashli Babbitt in it would be my finders keepers. That is the romantic in me, but all I got was a beer drunk duo who lost their gun safe, as I can not fatho why in hell you would drive around with a gun safe in your pickup as it is not like an ammo box.

Anyway, God cheered me up for a bit with this adventure as I did find Lake City 223 ammo by a stock dam once, and still have that almost box of ammo, but that is about as close as I ever got to my dreams of Scarface and Michelle Pfieffer.........how does Lynard Skynard put it.......take another toke,blow for your nose ........and something else. I don't ever do dope, never have, never will, just would like more than a busted open gun safe with green ammo in it smelling like a swamp.

Let's get a picture of Adrienne Barbeau.

Never find things like this swimming around in my ponds. Just dead bloated coons that get tossed out.

She kind of looks like a freshwater mermaid, maybe a smart weed babe would be a good name, no pun intended as this is not smoke weed, but a weed that knows to grow in flood and drought. Rather pretty thing the ducks like.

I think I'm going to go look at 380 auto pistols. That would be comforting as large breasts do not do a whole lot for me since I was weaned awhile back.

Rule #3 in the Meltdown according to the Lame Cherry experience, FOLLOW THE VULTURE as they are diviners of God's Will in someting is always there.

Nuff Said
